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The final turn can bog down if players are calculating exactly what everyone’s score will be depending on which discs are chosen - better to just take what’s best for you and move on.
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My question to you is, what is the benefit of your definition of dirty? What superior UX does it allow you to implement?
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Power Analyses
Power Analyses with SPSS, R, Stata, SAS
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The purpose of this toolkit is to familiarize the user with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and communication techniques to assist in successfully facilitating a healthy living program for individuals with I/DD. These are suggested techniques particularly helpful for those who don’t have any experience working with individuals who have I/DD.
This toolkit can be used as a starting point for working with or developing programs that people with a developmental or intellectual disability might use. It does not go into detail but offers strategies for communication, behavior and setting learners up for success.
10/10 It is short and highly informative with free resources within it.
hapgood.us hapgood.us
A stunning thing that we forget, but the link here is not part of the author’s intent, but of the reader’s analysis. The majority of links in the memex are made by readers, not writers. On the world wide web of course, only an author gets to determine links.
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Burel, Gregoire; Farrell, Tracie; Mensio, Martino; Khare, Prashant and Alani, Harith (2020). Co-Spread of Misinformation and Fact-Checking Content during the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Social Informatics Conference (SocInfo), LNCS.
t’s not clear why the sequence of the vaccines only mattered in girls, partly because there has been very little research into how male and female immune systems are different. “Somehow immunology has been blind to sex,” says Aaby. “If you read research about mortality in low income countries, there is no such thing as boys and girls – there are children. So we perceive that they have to be the same, and they are definitely not the same.”
Take away: "Immune training" or bystander effects from other vaccinations may help to fight off Covid-19 or other infections, in spite of not being specific to that pathogen. Some of these effects are sex-specific.
Claim: "Somehow immunology has been blind to sex"
The evidence: This is not entirely true- there is actually a LOT of research into sex differences in the immune response, and it is well-known that women can generally mount stronger Th1-type immune responses against viral infections than men. This is thought to be partially linked to estrogen cycling, and partly due to the fact that women have 2 active copies of genes associated with immunity because those are encoded on the X chromosomes. Men only have 1 copy, and thus they don't generally mount as strong an inflammatory response. However, women are also more prone to autoimmune diseases as a consequence of having stronger inflammatory responses than men, which is seen in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
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Svelte started with no decoupling anywhere, with everything available at compile-time. Then <:Component> introduced separation at the component level -- but they're still coupled at properties. The spread feature would fill that gap. I see it as an intentional separation as opposed to an accidental shot at static analysis.
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