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- lower socio-economic status
- vaccine
- vaccination
- infections
- COVID-19
- accurate
- transparency
- elders
- is:tweet
- policy experts
- pandemic
- data
- leadership
- reduction
- metric
- lang:en
- municipalities
- high risk
- policy makers
- data scientists
- virus cases
- healthcare
- education
- Israel
- vulnerable
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- national
- is:news
- ethics
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- vaccination
- COVID-19
- mortality
- long term
- economy
- public health
- prevention
- elderly
- lang:en
- policy
- education
- vulnerable
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- united states
- united kingdom
- availability
- COVID-19
- japan
- italy
- philippines
- experiment
- mexico
- descriptive norms
- social influence
- lang:en
- is:preprint
- acceptance
- behavioral science
- vaccine hesitancy
- turkey
- poland
- pakistan
- vaccination
- indonesia
- argentina
- thailand
- research
- romania
- egypt
- india
- france
- brazil
- nigeria
- malaysia
- vietnam
- conformity
- bangladesh
- germany
- belief
- colombia
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- intention
- vaccination
- COVID-19
- individual differences
- vulnerable
- health psychology
- perceived infectability
- evolutionary psychology
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- germ aversion
- contaminant aversion
- behavioural immune system
- immune response
- is:preprint
- disgust
- behavioral science
- vaccine hesitancy
- evolution
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convenience of a single shot
Especially for those who don't like shots!
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- vaccine
- statistical analysis
- vaccination
- UK
- COVID-19
- Russia
- statistics
- cross-sectional data
- second wave
- longitudinal
- ireland
- public health
- communication strategies
- lang:en
- attitudes
- vaccine resistance
- resistance
- is:preprint
- social behavior
- vaccine hesitance
- officials
- pandemic
- China
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- vaccination
- strategy
- population
- dose
- efficacy
- Australia
- government
- COVID-19
- immunity
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- high risk
- herd immunity
- outbreak
- policy
- pandemic
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With a title like that, many will not take the time to read, and that's unfortunate.
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