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  1. Sep 2020
    1. Nonverbal people hear it all—confessions and complaints, hopes and heartaches.

      Those who speak less often have more time to analyze what another person is saying. They also may notice things and body language that others who are speaking do not.

    2. Conversations about feelings are usually expressed with gestures and proximity, which is difficult while accessing a computer.

      I think that a major part of conversation is those gestures and proximity. With or without a disability this is difficult to express when online.

    3. Speaking fewer quality sentences is more helpful in expressing feeling than an hour of blabber

      People often find that saying fewer words means they are not interested in conversation or want to get speaking over with, but I find the ability to summarize important because it means you completely processed what the person has said. Quality over quantity is an important distinction.

    4. Communication is a two way exchange, speaking and listening.

      I think this is very important and it is relatable to zoom meetings. On zoom, communication is key, but it is not always there. There are many people who do not like to participate, which can hurt our learning. I think that in order for us to completely understand zoom meetings we need both sides of communication.

    5. Communicating with people by using assistive technology is complicated,

      This is very interesting and I wonder how it carries over to zoom technology and if it makes it easier or harder to communicate.

    6. Our technology is like a universal translator, driven by switches, eye gaze, and jerking screen touches.

      Technology has advanced our form of communication rather than weakened it and this is just one example.

    7. Precise word choice is easily overshadowed by eye contact or lack thereof

      if you're not properly and fully engaging in conversation with others, they're not inclined to listen to what you're saying. People respond to your movements and how you interact with them. If you don't display the interest in them and show that you believe in what you're trying to say, they'll stop making an effort to understand.

    8. Our technology is like a universal translator, driven by switches, eye gaze, and jerking screen touches.

      Technology has allowed people with disabilities to communicate without much issue, compared to the past where communication was almost impossible. Technology has greatly improved the lives of those with disabilities.

    1. What is particularly interesting to me is this criticism of technology, especially in the midst of an intense focus on learning new tools—Zoom, Panopto, Slack, Google Meetings, etc—in order to be in closer contact with my students.

      Who do technologies include, and who do they leave out? When we choose a technology, what biases (preferences) are we exposing?

    1. Bonne pratiqueEn 2019, le pôle national de la médiation a créé un espace collaboratif avec le Cnous et la Direction générale de l’enseignement supérieur et de l’insertion professionnelle du ministère (Dgesip) pour traiter rapidement les saisines d’étudiants qui n’arrivaient pas à se faire rembourser la Contribution Vie Étudiante et Campus (Cvec), payée à tort. L’objectif était de mieux communiquer et d’accélérer la procédure de remboursement. Après 6 mois de fonctionnement de cette plateforme, on peut constater une réelle avancée dans les échanges entre la médiation et les Crous et la réalisation des remboursements. Cette initiative, fondée sur la confiance, mériterait d’être étendue, pour le bénéfice de tous, à d’autres problématiques traitées par la médiation.



    1. mail : pubtv@snptv.org
    2. Afin de mieux promouvoir en télévision un certain nombre de causes sociales, humanitaires et d’intérêt général tout au long de l’année, le Syndicat National de la Publicité TéléVisée (SNPTV) a mis en place pour les associations, ONG et/ou leurs intermédiaires (agences de publicité, agences média) une procédure de traitement de l’ensemble des demandes d’espaces gracieux faites aux grandes chaînes nationales et à leur régie publicitaire.
  2. Aug 2020
    1. Kurzes fact sheet für Journalisten, via Stefan Rahmstorf auf Twitter. Relevant auch als Beispiel für Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

    1. conventionally

      Highjacking von Formaten ist eine gute Option, weil es an bekannte Praktiken anschlißt.

    2. Some climate scientists, such as Professor Ed Hawkins and Professor Richard Betts in the UK, have had great success on Twitter calmly and patiently explaining climate science to all-comers (including climate sceptics) and have won a lot of respect (and a large audience) doing so.

      Bedeutet, dass für die Klimakommunikation in Österreich Twitter Accounts von Wissenschaftlern wichtig wären.

    1. This is twitter. What is its purpose? It is a general-purpose electronic communication medium on the Internet, accessible via web and apps, comprising a high-volume global stream of written thoughts of people, attached with pics, gifs, links and audio- & video-embeds.

    1. This means that while groups can generate high levels of solidarity, which can in principle be put to powerful political effect, it also becomes harder to express disagreement within the group. If, for example, an outspoken and popular member of a neighbourhood WhatsApp group begins to circulate misinformation about health risks, the general urge to maintain solidarity means that their messages are likely to be met with approval and thanks. When a claim or piece of content shows up in a group, there may be many members who view it as dubious; the question is whether they have the confidence to say as much. Meanwhile, the less sceptical can simply forward it on. It’s not hard, then, to understand why WhatsApp is a powerful distributor of “fake news” and conspiracy theories.

      Instead of positive feedback like this, is there a way to create negative feedback loops in these social media apps?

    2. Groups are great for brief bursts of humour or frustration, but, by their very nature, far less useful for supporting the circulation of public information. To understand why this is the case, we have to think about the way in which individuals can become swayed and influenced once they belong to a group.
    3. Anecdotal evidence from local political organisers and trade union reps suggests that, despite the initial efficiency of WhatsApp groups, their workload often increases because of the escalating number of sub-communities, each of which needs to be contacted separately. Schools desperately seek to get information out to parents, only to discover that unless it appears in precisely the right WhatsApp group, it doesn’t register. The age of the message board, be it physical or digital, where information can be posted once for anyone who needs it, is over.

      We've been facing this problem for quite a while. This is the reason that ideas like syndication in social media are so prevalent. People are checking too many parallel and orthogonal channels.

  3. Jul 2020
    1. Make sure you have a good headset with a microphone as any background noise is distracting to others during the call. If there is excessive noise on your connection, you will be muted until you need to speak. Make sure you join the IRC channel as links and code examples are usually shared over the chat channel.
  4. Jun 2020
    1. Enfin, le Défenseur des droits a régulièrement l’occasion de constater une absence d’échanges entre les services, au détriment de la continuité de l’accompagnement et de la prise en charge des enfants. L’organisation administrative « en silo » est à l’origine de prises en charge inadéquates, sources de véritables violences faites aux enfants. Les interventions des différents services sont encore trop souvent cloisonnées : chacun réalise son investigation sans prendre connaissance des rapports des autres, les temps de concertation ne sont pas prioritaires, entraînant parfois des conséquences dramatiques.
    1. The man who publishes and edits an article written by an anonymous critic should be held as immediately responsible for it as if he had written it himself; just as one holds a manager responsible for bad work done by his workmen [who] would be treated as he deserves to be — namely, without any ceremony. An anonymous writer is a literary fraud against whom one should immediately cry out, “Wretch, if you do not wish to admit what it is you say against other people, hold your slanderous tongue.”
    1. Par ailleurs, les conducteurs effectuant des circuits de transports d’élèves et étudiants handicapés doivent disposer des formations obligatoires relatives à la prise en charge de personne à mobilité réduite. Une attestation devra être fournie à l’autorité organisatrice.

      La vérification de l'effectivité et de la qualité des formations auto-certifiées mise en place par les sociétés est à questionner

    1. Toutefois, la semaine de la rentrée, afin de garantir l'égalité de traitement entre les associations, les opérations de distribution de leurs documents se déroulent simultanément et dans les mêmes conditions. Les documents remis en retard seront distribués dans les meilleurs délais.

      Il ne faut pas confondre égalité de traitement et égalité de communication. On doit offrir les mêmes option et droit à communiquer, les listes sont libres de les utiliser ou non

    2. I.2.2 Diffusion de documents La connaissance par les familles de la vie de l’école ou de l’établissement et de l’activité des associations de parents d’élèves nécessite la diffusion de documents. Ces communications revêtent donc une importance toute particulière. a) Contenu des documentsIdentifiés clairement comme émanant des associations de parents d’élèves, les documents remis aux responsables d’établissement doivent cependant respecter le principe de laïcité, les dispositions relatives à la vie privée et prohibant les injures et diffamations et exclure toute propagande en faveur d’un parti politique ou d’une entreprise commerciale.Même si le contenu de ces documents relève de la seule responsabilité des associations, l’institution se doit d’en prendre connaissance. En effet l’École, dans le cadre de sa mission de service public, ne peut distribuer de documents en s’affranchissant du respect des règles et principes rappelés au paragraphe précédent. Il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’exercer un contrôle a priori portant sur le fond. Le directeur d’école ou le chef d’établissement n’a pas à s’interroger sur l’opportunité de diffuser les documents émanant des associations de parents d’élèves.

      Les établissement et écoles n'ont donc rien à redire sur le contenu que l'on désire communiquer. seuls interdits:

      • le commercial
      • le prosélitisme politique ou religieux
      • la diffamation etc...
    3. Est affichée, dans les mêmes conditions, la liste des fédérations, unions ou associations de parents d’élèves représentées au Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, aux conseils académiques et départementaux de l’éducation nationale.En outre, toutes ces associations de parents d’élèves doivent disposer de boîtes aux lettres et de tableaux d’affichage.

      est-ce bien le cas sur votre territoire

    4. Les associations de parents d’élèves doivent être en mesure de se faire connaître auprès de l’ensemble des parents d’élèves et de les informer sur leur action. Elles peuvent prendre connaissance et obtenir copie de la liste des parents d’élèves de l’école ou de l’établissement scolaire mentionnant leurs noms, adresses postale et électronique, à la condition que ceux-ci aient donné leur accord exprès à cette communication.

      Là aussi c'est un élément de communication qui peut être utile, même si parfois il vaut mieux demander à l'établissement de transmettre à l'ensemble des parents

    1. There were also underlying security issues. Most of the messaging apps Tor Messenger supported are based on client-server architectures, and those can leak metadata (such as who's involved in a conversation and when) that might reveal who your friends are. There was no real way for the Tor crew to mitigate these issues.
    2. Tor suggests CoyIM, but it's prone to the same metadata issues as Messenger. You may have to accept that a small amount of chat data could find its way into the wrong hands, even if the actual conversations are locked down tight.
    1. e present a protocol for secure online com-munication, called “off-the-record messaging”, which hasproperties better-suited for casual conversation than do sys-tems like PGP or S/MIME.
    1. Of course, with Facebook being Facebook, there is another, more commercial outlet for this type of metadata analysis. If the platform knows who you are, and knows what you do based on its multi-faceted internet tracking tools, then knowing who you talk to and when could be a commercial goldmine. Person A just purchased Object 1 and then chatted to Person B. Try to sell Object 1 to Person B. All of which can be done without any messaging content being accessed.
    1. This is a major development—given the combined efforts of Google and the mobile networks, RCS will be the fastest deployed messaging technology of all time.
    2. One thing that would certainly be a game-changer would be some form of standardized RCS end-to-end encryption that allows secure messages to be sent outside Google Messages.
    3. The thinking behind RCS was to deliver a best of both worlds solution—the cross-platform ubiquity of SMS with the functionality of WhatsApp and iMessage, but built right into the core network infrastructure
    4. Rich Communication Services is a reinvention of cellular messaging, a halfway house between the SMS ecosystem run by network operators and platforms like WhatsApp and iMessage. The wide-scale RCS rollout is being driven by Google as Android’s iMessage equivalent
    1. First, the recognition that sensitive information needs to be transmitted securely over instant messaging platforms plays into the hands of the privacy advocates who are against backdoors in the end-to-end encryption used on WhatsApp, Signal, Wickr, iMessage and others. The core argument from the privacy lobby is that a backdoor will almost certainly be exploited by bad actors. Clearly, the EU (and others) would not risk their own comms with such a vulnerability.