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To generate information that is useful to decision makers, evaluations of hospital information systems need to be multidimensional, covering many aspects beyond technical functionality
The Importance of health information system is that it allows you to see where the health system is failing, this helps the leadership to draw strong approach in resolving the problem that the health system might be facing. the multidimensional aspects could be the dimensions of quality and other aspects which are beyond technical functionality.
The lessons learnt are applicable to the installation of all hospital information systems.
There was no clear indication on the use of health information system in South Africa until couple of lessons were learnt when the hospitals were underperforming.
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Dr Kamna Kakkar. (2021, April 20). If things come down to this, doctors are going to be at the recieving end of all patient wrath. As much as I pray for Delhi patients’ lives, I pray for the safety of my colleagues. #DelhiLockdown https://t.co/Q7RaIj68RB [Tweet]. @drkamnakakkar. https://twitter.com/drkamnakakkar/status/1384535301243109380
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- science
- is:news
- infection
- social distancing
- epidemiology
- delhi
- shortage
- oxygen
- variant
- fatality
- wave
- COVID-19
- surge
- india
- population
- lang:en
- mutation
- public health
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Parker-Pope, T. (2021, April 22). Do We Still Need to Keep Wearing Masks Outdoors? The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/22/well/live/covid-masks-outdoors.html?smid=tw-share
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- data
- myalgia
- pain
- fever
- v-safe pregnancy registry
- women
- maternal
- research
- preterm
- headache
- medicine
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- is:article
- preliminary
- v-safe after vaccination health checker
- abortion
- chills
- COVID-19
- pregnant
- mRNA
- neonatal
- lang:en
- injection
- vaccination
- infant
- birth
- safety
direct.mit.edu direct.mit.edu
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Get your fats via healthy midday snacks. Go for or seed-based crackers (we like Flackers) with guacamole or nut butters. For quick bites: olives, olive tapenade, or a handful of nuts. Or pair your hummus with some sliced red pepper, jicama, celery, and sulforaphane-rich cauliflower and broccoli (which can increase insulin sensitivity).
Besides helping you stay regular and feeding the good bugs in your gut microbiome, fiber can also improve glycemic control. Research shows that diets rich in fiber are associated with lower post-meal glucose and insulin levels and lower glucose variability. One small study of people with Type 2 diabetes found that those who ate about 50 grams of fiber every day had lower glucose responses and less variability than those who ate an identical amount of calories but only about 15 grams of fiber every day.
Don’t ruin your salad. Salads should be the ultimate metabolically friendly choice on the menu, but beware of common mix-ins like dried fruit, crunchy toppings like croutons or fried tortilla strips, and sugar- or honey-filled dressings could send your post-meal glucose soaring. (Same goes for veggie-rich soups with glucose spikers like rice, noodles, and pasta—not to mention the bread and crackers on the side.)
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- politics
- data
- science
- response
- Trump
- scientific advice
- economy
- Donald Trump
- is:article
- misinformation
- bad science
- political interference
- COVID-19
- government
- schools
- scientific practice
- scientific integrity
- lang:en
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- children
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