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- COVID-19
- government
- misinformation
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- anti-vaxxer
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- misleading
- false
- activism
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- blood clots
- science
- vaccine-safety
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George Gao
Jo Handelsman from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy believed this to be a landmark meeting, one that could direct future policy in important ways. She noted that the White House has focused on issues around GOF research for 18 months and recognizes the need to keep life sciences vibrant but also to protect safety and security across the globe. Officials had become engaged because of concerns around the creation of new pathogens, especially those with pandemic potential. The White House has also worked to address safety incidents at laboratories that raised public concerns over work with such pathogens (Holdren and Monaco, 2014). In response to these concerns, in October 2014 the White House announced a deliberative process and, along with it, a pause on federal funding for certain types of GOF research (White House, 2014a). Dr. Handelsman highlighted the importance of key exceptions to the funding pause to enable necessary emergency research to continue.
Dr. AL-Hmoud stressed the public health impact of coronaviruses, in particular MERS-CoV, and she recalled that the antigenic relationships among the different coronaviruses or how these relationships influence the capacity of different strains to emerge in human populations remains uncharacterized.
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- vaccination
- medical research
- health policy
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- immunization
- COVID-19
- Oxford
- side effect
- infectious disease
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- vaccine
- scepticism
- vaccine confidence
- vaccination uptake
- epidemiology
- vaccine acceptance
- immunization
- COVID-19
- trust
- social consensus
- anti-vaxxer
- scientific trust
- vaccine hesitancy
- behavioral science
- science
- societal consensus
- country-level differences
- herd immunity
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Piyush Goyal India: Mister of Railways; Commerce and industry, Consumer, Food and Distribution Affairs 2:51AM CST
- Media in the west is blowing Indias situation out of proportion.
- Also mentions the need for speed. Won't deal with negotiations for a few months only to start at square one.
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- European Commission
- health activists
- lang:en
- is:website
- pharma companies
- US
- COVID-19
- hope
- government
- pharmaceutical companies
- IP waiver
- Vaccine Rollout
- public health activist
- South Africa
- vaccine access
- Britain
- vaccines
- EU
- patent protection
- Joe Biden
- deadly second wave
- India
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
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- life expectancy
- prediction
- healthcare
- COVID-19 Equity Project
- lang:en
- is:article
- research
- intervention
- California
- agricultural worker
- COVID-19
- government
- inequality
- public health
- economy
- health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- mortality
- immigration
- agriculture
- wage gap
- essential worker
- health disparity
- poverty
- income inequality
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- vaccine
- side-effects
- blood clots
- UK
- the AstraZenica vaccine
- alternative vaccine
- Coronavirus
- pandemic
- COVID-19
- risk
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