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- Togo
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- case
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- is:webpage
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- death
- case fatality rate
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- lang:en
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- Fiji
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Some passengers may have medical or religious exemptions. Indeed, there are legitimate medical exemptions, such as a history of severe allergic reaction to vaccines or other rare medication reactions. Pregnant passengers may be able to claim an exemption based on the limited data available in this population.
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- cheap
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- immunity
- clinical trial
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mRNA vaccine effectiveness of full immunization (≥14 days after second dose) was 90% against SARS-CoV-2 infections regardless of symptom status
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The vaccines aren't a force field that ward off all things COVID-19. They were given the greenlight because they greatly lower your chance of getting seriously ill or dying. But it was easy for me — and I'm not the only one — to grab onto the idea that, after so many months of trying not to get COVID-19, that the vaccine was, more or less, the finish line. And that made getting sick from the virus unnerving.
I had a breakthrough case of COVID-19 — despite my two shots of the Pfizer vaccine, the second one in April.
"breakthrough case" "despite" — surprise that they got it despite having been vaccinated