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- bias
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- emotion regulation
- infectious disease
- facial resemblance
- behavioural immune system
- social science
- family
- outgroup
- psychological adaptation
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Given the upwelling of virus across much of the country, some scientists say it is time for vaccinated people to consider wearing masks indoors and in crowded spaces like shopping malls or concert halls — a recommendation that goes beyond current guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends masking only for unvaccinated people.
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Passengers entering or transiting thru Portugal must present proof of testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 with a negative result, or they will be denied boarding. (including Portuguese citizens, residing in Portugal and their families): NAAT - Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (RT-PCR, NEAR, TMA, LAMP, HDA, CRISPR, SDA, etc), performed within 72 hours prior to the time of departure on the 1st embarkation point, OR An antigen test (TRAg) performed within 48 hours prior to the time of departure on the 1st embarkation point. Exceptions: Children who have not completed 12 yrs. Additionally, to presenting a negative test, passengers that have been in Brazil, South Africa, India, Nepal or the United Kingdom for the last 14 days, must quarantine for 14 days at their residence or facility determined by the authorities (unless their stay in Portugal does not exceed 48h), and present the pre-register online form available here. Exception to quarantine: passengers travelling from the United Kingdom, that make proof of complete vaccination at the United kingdom with a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Regulamento (CE) n.º 726/2004. Vaccination is considered valid after 14 days from: The single dose of a single dose vaccine, OR; The second dose of a two-dose vaccine (even each dose is of a different vaccine), OR A single dose of a two-dose vaccine, if the certificate indicates that the single dose concludes the vaccination plan, for people that have already been infected with COVID-19 Passengers under 18, travelling with a responsible adult that holds a valid vaccination certificateare exempted from quarantine upon arrival. The mandatory tests can only be accepted in Portuguese, French, Spanish, English and Italian. An element that must be stated is the time and date at which the test was carried out. Acceptable formats are paper and electronic (but not mobile text messages – SMS). NHS tests and Trace Test performed in the United Kingdom are not valid for travel. Only antigen tests acceptable by the European Union Health Committee are accepted for travel as well as the minimum data that must be present on the test result document as set by the same entity, see here. It is the Passengers responsibility to confirm if their test meets the requirements.
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