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our fourth point is that for something like eukaryotes and others where there is no immediate major system 00:25:30 transition we're really sort of saying is that they perhaps are critical to such a transition but not at the time necessarily that they have evolved so in essence we want to amp we want to bring in a new 00:25:43 term which we call facilitating evolutionary transition so it makes it is part of a major system transition but it clearly needs other 00:25:55 evolutionary events to go along with it and the final sort of point is that there are perhaps catalysts that are involved in this process and one of the major catalysts that may 00:26:12 have had effects throughout evolutionary history are viruses so viruses may have been key actors to help the transition from 00:26:23 rna to dna they may have uh produced or helped produce the nucleus in eukaryotes and we'll talk about a little bit later about the key role that viral genes play 00:26:36 in making sexual reproduction possible and even in placental mammals the evolution of a placenta so without viral genes being moved across 00:26:47 horizontally species some of these major transitions could never have happened so now we have sort of the complete integrated process of of our diagram and again the question 00:27:02 that we're really focusing on oftentimes is that last one yes when how and why do we get to a major system transition and how do nets mechs uh 00:27:15 fets and catalysts all play a role in these various transitions
Viruses have played a key role in a number of different METs. This is an important insight that can contextualize the covid-19 pandemic.
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Vaccine effectiveness against laboratory-confirmed symptomatic infection is never higher than 50 to 60%, and in some years it is much lower.
Vaccine effectiveness for influenza vaccines for symptomatic infection is never higher than 50-60% and some years it is much slower.
Eliminating Covid-19 seemed theoretically possible, because the original 2002 SARS virus ultimately disappeared.
Eliminating SARS-CoV-2 was deemed plausible, because SARS-CoV-1 had been eliminated.
The effect on asymptomatic infections was a welcome surprise, because it has been thought that most vaccines for respiratory illnesses, including influenza, are “leaky” — that is, they allow some degree of asymptomatic infection and are better at preventing symptomatic infection.
Most vaccines for respiratory illnesses are leaky.
The efficacy the mRNA vaccines showed in preventing asymptomatic transmission was therefore a welcome surprise.
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Dr Daya Sharma 😷🥽💨🧼💉💉. (2021, October 30). Some of the UK JCVI deliberations are deeply disturbing, eg arguing against childhood vax so that they can get infected & boost immunity in adults. Also imply that vax doesn’t have an individual benefit! 🤯 How much of this warped thinking is present in Australia? #COVID19Aus https://t.co/o887d2etcW [Tweet]. @DrDayaSharma. https://twitter.com/DrDayaSharma/status/1454418003429183492
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Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2021, October 30). “Circulation of COVID-19 in childhood could therefore periodically boost immunity in adults through exposure” When I say childhood vax ALSO benefits adults, folx say “you can’t use benefits to adults in your argument!” JCVI uses benefits to adults of letting kids get infected 👀 [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1454433823085715461
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ReconfigBehSci. (2021, October 30). Does there maybe need to be more distinction between points raised for discussion and any actual decision? Without knowing about votes etc., it’s maybe a bit strong to say ‘JCVI wanted x...’? I’ve sat on many bodies with minutes documenting positions I disagreed with [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1454488759785897987
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ReconfigBehSci. (2021, October 30). as the fallout from the JCVI minutes build, it’s worth considering that the corresponding U.S. body ACIP has been live streaming its meetings on YouTube... Transparency helps reduce faulty reasoning...we should have learned that lesson with the very first lockdown, no? [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1454502337368764421
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Richard Sever. (2021, October 30). The article is on ivermectin but the sunk intellectual cost fallacy has lessons for us all: "Publicly backtracking when the results refute your idea requires a very large dose of humility” Such humility has been notably lacking among Nobels and other COVID inexperts [Tweet]. @cshperspectives. https://twitter.com/cshperspectives/status/1454483988031152137
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Alasdair Munro. (2021, October 31). There is nothing new about this idea at all In fact, this is one of the reasons we don’t vaccinate children against chicken pox in the UK It is a totally reasonable thing to include as a point of discussion https://nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/chickenpox-vaccine-questions-answers/ 2/ https://t.co/oCrf0nX5rc [Tweet]. @apsmunro. https://twitter.com/apsmunro/status/1454792162000916481
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Deepti Gurdasani. (2021, November 1). No- the statement explicitly talks about infection in children being a ‘booster’ to adults i.e. Children infecting adults to protect them against... Infection!🤔 I don’t think there’s any level of cognitive gymnastics that could justify this or make sense of it. [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1455106192112500736
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