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  1. Aug 2020
    1. Communicating statistics, risks and uncertainty in the age of COVID19 | David Spiegelhalter | 5x15. (n.d.). Retrieved 19 August 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_D9egJHfCw

    2. Finding facts during a crisis / Stand with the Facts / KUOW / CIP. (n.d.). Retrieved 19 August 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mErLBpIz1f8

    3. Cities After Covid—YouTube. (2020, June 19). https://youtu.be/cjwWjCxTBVs

    4. LucyinLockdown: Viruses, Pandemics and Lessons Learnt with Dr Jane Greatorex—YouTube. (2020, June 18). https://youtu.be/5U1go5hyen8

    5. Webinar: Virtual Networking for Nerds: How to network and find collaborations from afar. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 August 2020, from https://youtu.be/pdZyxs4resc

    1. Twitter subscribers who until a few months ago were apparently experts in European relations or constitutional law are now skilled infectious diseases epidemiologists. The accretion of new knowledge takes place via tweets, political grandstanding, gross misinterpretation of preprints, and media briefings in the absence of scrutinisable data. We are witness to the unedifying spectacle of highly respected scientists left squirming as they are subject to the dangerous ramblings of politicians desperate to rescue themselves from their own incompetence.
    1. Aspelund, K. M., Droste, M. C., Stock, J. H., & Walker, C. D. (2020). Identification and Estimation of Undetected COVID-19 Cases Using Testing Data from Iceland (Working Paper No. 27528; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27528

    1. Cajner, T., Crane, L. D., Decker, R. A., Grigsby, J., Hamins-Puertolas, A., Hurst, E., Kurz, C., & Yildirmaz, A. (2020). The U.S. Labor Market during the Beginning of the Pandemic Recession (Working Paper No. 27159; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27159

    1. teachers, administrators, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and others will inevitably be exposed.
      1. It is not just about the kids--teachers, administrators, bus drivers, cafeteria workers all will be exposed.
    1. Hewitt, J., Carter, B., Vilches-Moraga, A., Quinn, T. J., Braude, P., Verduri, A., Pearce, L., Stechman, M., Short, R., Price, A., Collins, J. T., Bruce, E., Einarsson, A., Rickard, F., Mitchell, E., Holloway, M., Hesford, J., Barlow-Pay, F., Clini, E., … Guaraldi, G. (2020). The effect of frailty on survival in patients with COVID-19 (COPE): A multicentre, European, observational cohort study. The Lancet Public Health, 5(8), e444–e451. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30146-8

    1. Malani, A., Soman, S., Asher, S., Novosad, P., Imbert, C., Tandel, V., Agarwal, A., Alomar, A., Sarker, A., Shah, D., Shen, D., Gruber, J., Sachdeva, S., Kaiser, D., & Bettencourt, L. M. A. (2020). Adaptive Control of COVID-19 Outbreaks in India: Local, Gradual, and Trigger-based Exit Paths from Lockdown (Working Paper No. 27532; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27532