2,938 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Graham, M. S., Sudre, C. H., May, A., Antonelli, M., Murray, B., Varsavsky, T., Kläser, K., Canas, L. S., Molteni, E., Modat, M., Drew, D. A., Nguyen, L. H., Polidori, L., Selvachandran, S., Hu, C., Capdevila, J., Koshy, C., Ash, A., Wise, E., … Ourselin, S. (2021). Changes in symptomatology, reinfection, and transmissibility associated with the SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7: An ecological study. The Lancet Public Health, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00055-4

    1. les horaires étant annualisés, ils font en général 40 ou 41 heures semaine,
    2. Non , les personnels administratifs en EPLE ne bénéficient pas des vacances scolaires, car ils travaillent pendant les vacances, pour préparer, organiser, gérer… tout comme d’autres personnels de l’Éducation nationale qui pendant que les élèves ont des vacances travaillent à d’autres tâches encore pour le bon fonctionnement du système éducatif. Non, les personnels administratifs des services ne bénéficient pas non plus des vacances scolaires.
    1. Astreintes des chefs d'établissements scolaires 9e législature Question écrite n° 03237 de M. Philippe Madrelle (Gironde - SOC) publiée dans le JO Sénat du 26/01/1989 - page 118 M. Philippe Madrelle appelle l'attention de M. le ministre d'Etat, ministre de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports, sur les différentes modalités d'astreintes auxquelles sont assujettis les chefs d'établissements scolaires. Il lui demande de bien vouloir lui préciser si les chefs d'établissements sont obligés d'assurer d'une manière permanente la garde des bâtiments administratifs, pédagogiques et des logements de fonction de l'établissement où ils exercent leur activité professionnelle. Par ailleurs, il lui demande si cette astreinte est susceptible de s'étendre à d'autres personnels de l'établissement. Réponse du ministère : Éducation publiée dans le JO Sénat du 04/05/1989 - page 713 Réponse. - En plus de leurs responsabilités définies par le décret n° 85-924 du 30 août 1985 relatives au bon fonctionnement des établissements durant les périodes de présence des élèves, afin d'assurer la sécurité des personnes et des biens, les chefs d'établissement doivent assurer également un certain nombre d'obligations pendant les congés scolaires. La réglementation applicable en ce domaine conduit le chef d'établissement, dans le respect des dispositions statutaires en matière de congés annuels, à organiser durant les vacances une permanence qui répond à des objectifs précis : garantir le renseignement des familles et notamment prévoir l'inscription des élèves, permettre aux services académiques d'effectuer le travail préparatoire pour les rentrées scolaires, assurer l'encadrement du personnel de service pour la conduite des travaux d'entretien ou de réfection qui ne peuvent s'effectuer qu'en dehors de la présence des élèves, permettre la réponse de l'étab lissement aux sollicitations extérieures que peut appeler la politique d'ouverture du service public de l'éducation nationale. Il relève de la responsabilité du chef d'établissement d'établir à cet effet un service de vacances dans lequel, pour la période des vacances scolaires d'été, sa présence est notamment impérative deux semaines après la sortie des élèves et deux semaines avant leur rentrée. Sont astreints également au service des vacances, outre les chefs d'établissement, leurs adjoints, les personnels d'éducation ainsi que les personnels affectés au service d'intendance. S'agissant du gardiennage pendant la période de fermeture, il appartient au chef d'établissement de proposer à l'inspecteur d'académie, directeur des services départementaux de l'éducation, les modalités de mise en place de ce service et les éventuelles solutions de remplacement. Enfin, compte tenu des conséquences de l'organisation du service de vacances sur le fonctionnement des établissements, le chef d'établissement doit tenir informé selon le cas le président du conseil régional ou général du dispositif retenu.
    1. because the public’s perception of the goodness or evil of a Silicon Valley company often hinges on the design of the company’s apps.

      This is one of the core points Barron is making in the article - the cutesy design choices these companies make are not a whimsical design decision made off the cuff, but the end result of many deliberate UI and UX choices to shore up their image, which helps to counteract against any negative press they might receive.

    1. Institute of Medicine (US) Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events. (2010). The 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccination Campaign: Summary of a Workshop Series. National Academies Press (US). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK54185/

    1. Eric-Feigl-Ding [@Dr EricDing} (2020) 5) If you’re an island like Britain is, you shouldn’t have 4.3 million #COVID19 cases, yet 🇬🇧 did somehow. Result is not just 127k deaths, but also 1.1 million #LongCovid cases... or 25% of all infected. Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1379787890826313728

  2. Mar 2021
    1. Larremore, D. B., Wilder, B., Lester, E., Shehata, S., Burke, J. M., Hay, J. A., Tambe, M., Mina, M. J., & Parker, R. (2020). Test sensitivity is secondary to frequency and turnaround time for COVID-19 surveillance. MedRxiv, 2020.06.22.20136309. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.22.20136309

    1. Schoch-Spana, M., Brunson, E. K., Long, R., Ruth, A., Ravi, S. J., Trotochaud, M., Borio, L., Brewer, J., Buccina, J., Connell, N., Hall, L. L., Kass, N., Kirkland, A., Koonin, L., Larson, H., Lu, B. F., Omer, S. B., Orenstein, W. A., Poland, G. A., … White, A. (2020). The public’s role in COVID-19 vaccination: Human-centered recommendations to enhance pandemic vaccine awareness, access, and acceptance in the United States. Vaccine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.10.059

    1. David Leonhardt. (2021, February 19). - About 1/3 of military troops who’ve been offered vaccine shots have declined. - When shots became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, 60% said no. - Among frontline workers in SoCal, the share was 40-50%. - N.B.A. stars are wary of doing public-services ads. (2/x) [Tweet]. @DLeonhardt. https://twitter.com/DLeonhardt/status/1362768083899793413

    1. Ghio, D., Lawes-Wickwar, S., Tang, M. Y., Epton, T., Howlett, N., Jenkinson, E., Stanescu, S., Westbrook, J., Kassianos, A., Watson, D., Sutherland, L., Stanulewicz, N., Guest, E., Scanlan, D., Carr, N., Chater, A., Hotham, S., Thorneloe, R., Armitage, C., … Keyworth, C. (2020). What influences people’s responses to public health messages for managing risks and preventing infectious diseases? A rapid systematic review of the evidence and recommendations [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nz7tr

    1. It’s the usual Silicon Valley sleight-of-hand move, very similar to Uber reps claiming drivers aren’t “core” to their business. I’m sure Substack is paying a writer right now to come up with a catchy way of saying that Substack doesn’t pay writers.
    1. Seale, H., Heywood, A. E., McLaws, M.-L., Ward, K. F., Lowbridge, C. P., Van, D., & MacIntyre, C. R. (2010). Why do I need it? I am not at risk! Public perceptions towards the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccine. BMC Infectious Diseases, 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2334-10-99

    1. James Hamblin. (2021, March 17). Whenever you vaccinate millions and millions of people, some will inevitably die shortly after. Others will get blood clots. Others will crash cars, or fall down stairs. None of this is newsworthy until there’s reason to believe these things are connected. [Tweet]. @jameshamblin. https://twitter.com/jameshamblin/status/1371993047261667329

    1. Open source code library for building innovative e-learning that is accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual. Based on the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) and bootstrap. This collaborative open source project is led by the Canada School of Public Service, Government of Canada.
    1. Hotez, P., Batista, C., Ergonul, O., Figueroa, J. P., Gilbert, S., Gursel, M., Hassanain, M., Kang, G., Kim, J. H., Lall, B., Larson, H., Naniche, D., Sheahan, T., Shoham, S., Wilder-Smith, A., Strub-Wourgaft, N., Yadav, P., & Bottazzi, M. E. (2021). Correcting COVID-19 vaccine misinformation: Lancet Commission on COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics Task Force Members*. EClinicalMedicine, 33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100780

    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, November 20). Today was a very, very odd day I testified before @senatehomeland They held a hearing on hydroxychloroquine. Yup, HCQ In the middle of the worst surge of pandemic HCQ It was clear how our information architecture shapes questions of science and medicine of COVID A thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1329646432958156801

    1. As Karan pointed out to us, the fact that some people refuse to wear masks makes it even more imperative that we distribute higher-grade masks to those willing to wear them.

      Abraar Karan on coronavirus masks

    1. <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Charlie Warzel and Zeynep Tufekci</span> in Opinion | It’s Been 10 Months, and I Still Don’t Know When to Replace My Mask! - The New York Times (<time class='dt-published'>03/02/2021 04:23:02</time>)</cite></small>

    1. Fit is very important for upping one’s mask game.

      Mask fit is important for helping to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

    2. If I were wearing an N95 just for the weekly grocery store run, I’d probably be fine with alternating two carefully handled masks for many months as long as the elastic works and there’s no soiling. That’s not a lot of use! But if I were wearing one all day, every workday, I’d consider having one for each day and replacing them maybe every month. So that’s about five per month. Could one be really careful and make that two months? Probably.

      Guidance on how long masks could potentially be worn and used/reused.

    3. I will give a modified version of what health care workers were advised during the worst of the shortages. Rotating a few is enough for disinfection. Just let them rest for a few days in a non-airtight container (like a paper bag or a Tupperware container with holes) and replace one only when it no longer fits well or the elastics have gone soft, or if it is soiled. It’s also good to use hand-sanitizer before putting them on and taking them off. Handle them gently, because a good fit is essential to getting the most out of it. My sense from having heard a lot from people using all the other disinfection methods, like heat, is that they just increase the risk of damaging the mask.

      They've definitely buried the lede here, but this is the answer everyone will be looking for.

    4. It’s Been 10 Months, and I Still Don’t Know When to Replace My Mask!

      It is a horrific public health problem that this is a headline nearly a year later.

  3. Feb 2021
    1. Ghio, D., Lawes-Wickwar, S., Tang, M. Y., Epton, T., Howlett, N., Jenkinson, E., Stanescu, S., Westbrook, J., Kassianos, A., Watson, D., Sutherland, L., Stanulewicz, N., Guest, E., Scanlan, D., Carr, N., Chater, A., Hotham, S., Thorneloe, R., Armitage, C., … Keyworth, C. (2020). What influences people’s responses to public health messages for managing risks and preventing infectious diseases? A rapid systematic review of the evidence and recommendations [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nz7tr

    1. Carl T. Bergstrom. (2020, December 5). I don’t have a background in medical ethics but this makes me uncomfortable unless it was very clearly explained to study participants at enrollment, and to some degree even then. H/t @RMCarpiano https://t.co/WUE1mXgjJG https://t.co/yLXkxIa5O8 [Tweet]. @CT_Bergstrom. https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1335152266840424449

    1. Maryanne Garry 🐑🇳🇿. (2020, December 12). A person with the virus who, say, has lunch with friends is a witness to an event in which the virus was possibly transmitted, and a suspect who might have transmitted it to others. Our new paper in PoPS @lorraine_hope @rachelz @drayeshaverrall and Jamie Robertson https://t.co/FoOlx78HB2 [Tweet]. @drlambchop. https://twitter.com/drlambchop/status/1337676716936896512