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- effectiveness
- fact check
- psychology
- conservative
- New York
- children
- Republican
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- behavioral science
- mask wearing
- cherry-picking
- face mask
- mortality
- scientific evidence
- science
- public health measure
- protection
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- paediatric
- normalcy
- COVID-19
- social media
- education
- political spectrum
- school
- mask mandate
- vaccine
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- policy
- misinformation
- vaccination rate
- partisanship
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- public health measures
- coercion
- engagement
- vaccination programme
- social distancing
- punishment
- authority
- COVID-19
- coercive leadership
- public
- collective response
- laissez faire leadership
- psychology
- mitigation
- UK
- mandate
- interdependence
- leadership
- responsibility
- lang:en
- society
- policy
- risk
- is:blog
- identity leadership
- societal level
- strategy
- ventilation
- safety
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- political leadership
- social distancing
- contact tracing
- hospitalization
- lang:en
- quarantine
- Omicron
- hospital
- data
- risk
- mask wearing
- isolation
- mortality
- staff shortage
- ventilation
- lockdown
- daily cases
- variant
- physical distancing
- airborne transmission
- COVID-19
- is:tweet
- transmission
- UK
- England
- testing
- policy
- vaccine
- government
- prevention
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- social distancing
- COVID-19
- motivational interviewing
- compliance
- social media
- far-right
- scientific knowledge
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- disinformation
- vaccine
- misinformation
- infodemic
- COVID denial
- risk
- critical thinking
- communication
- anti-vaccine
- research
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- conversation
- empathy
- conspiracy theory
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- india
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- infection
- science
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- education
- remote schooling
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- international
- Spain
- COVID-19
- stigma
- urban
- rural states
- US
- UK
- education
- lang:en
- hand washing
- employment status
- mitigations
- predictors
- sexual minority
- social determinants
- systematic investigations
- health measures
- Italy
- adults
- India
- suburban
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- stigma
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- rural states
- suburban
- US
- UK
- education
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- employment status
- mitigations
- predictors
- sexual minority
- non-pharmaceutical
- social determinants
- systematic investigations
- health measures
- Italy
- respiratory conditions
- India
- hygiene
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- Emotions
- Trust in science
- Pandemic compliance
- COVID-19
- Capacity
- Social distancing
- Adherence
- Social norms
- Procedural justice
- Detterence
- lang:en
- Obligation to obey the law
- Oppurtunity
- Partisianship
- Public health behaviours
- Health behaviours
- is:preprtint
- Political orientation
- Compliance
- Impulsivity
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- immunity passport
- is:preprint
- social distancing
- COVID-19
- public
- widespread acceptance
- tracking technology
- UK
- public acceptance
- infected
- lang:en
- United Kingdom
- time limited
- privacy-encroaching policy
- contact
- opt-out clause
- health agencies
- antibodies
- co-location tracking
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- mental health
- is:preprint
- stress
- crisis
- public health
- social distancing
- social factors
- psychosis-risk
- anxiety
- COVID-19
- social network
- females
- depression
- demographic
- lang:en
- South Korea
- physical health
- behavioural science
- psychological outcome
- nationwide lockdown
- general population
- loneliness
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- public health
- social distancing
- recommendations
- ingroup flouting
- lang:en
- behaviour
- ideology
- socialize
- conservatives
- liberals
- Western democracies
- ignored public health guidance
- condemn
- is:preprint
- COVID-19
- outgroup flouting
- polariation
- ideological symmetries
- ignored
- ideological responses
- judgements
- breaking rules
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