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It feels a lot like the reason we are unable to offer real alternative social networks is not that we cannot do so. It is because most people with the abilities to do so spend their time working on things that only work for the tiny audience that is the tech sector, while happily ignoring the needs of all those billions of non-technical humans out there. This is something that frustrates me more than I want to admit.
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Johnson’s book (lively and well sourced – highly recommended) transcends the cliche of the individual innovator and shows the ways in which innovation depends on a form of social capital — the networks of people and ideas that innovators learn from and build upon.
It's rarely ever about the "lone genius".
Networks of civic engagement increase the potential cost to defectors who risk benefits from future transactiaction. The same networks foster norms of reciprocity that are reinforced by the networks of relationships in which reputation is both balued and discussed. The same social networks facilitate the flow of reputational information.
How can we build some of this into social media networks to increase the level of trust and facts?
Norms that support social trust evolve because they lower transaction costs and facilitate cooperation, conferring benefits upon cooperators.
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Resource List for pandemic and COVID-19 related topics.
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El Shoghri, A., et al. (2020 April 03). How mobility patterns drive disease spread: A case study using public transit passenger card travel data. 2019 IEEE 20th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks". DOI:10.1109/WoWMoM.2019.8793018
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Gardam, T. (2020 March 12). How should the Nuffield Foundation research community respond to the social implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?. NuffieldFoundation.org. https://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/news/opinion/how-should-the-nuffield-foundation-research-community-respond-to-the-social-implications-of-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic
- social consequences
- healthcare
- response
- public health
- social science
- citation
- lang:en
- is:webpage
- research
- COVID-19
covid19-uk-mobility.github.io covid19-uk-mobility.github.io
Santana, C., Botta, F., Barbosa, H., Privitera, F., Menezes, R., Di Clemente, R. (2020 April 8). COVID-19 UK mobility report. Covid19-uk-mobility.github.io. https://covid19-uk-mobility.github.io/First-report.html
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Rodriguez, A. (2020 April 9). 'The world is going to hell': Coronavirus can be deadly for people recovering from addiction. USA Today. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/04/09/coronavirus-people-recovering-addiction-higher-risk-coping-tips/2961611001/
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Spector, N. (2020 March 30). Working from home? Here's how to set boundaries for a better work-life balance. Today. https://www.today.com/health/working-home-amid-coronavirus-here-s-how-set-boundaries-better-t177077#annotations:fi0TFHmaEeqeMb8qy1cFvg
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Xu, S., & Li, Y. (2020). Beware of the second wave of COVID-19. The Lancet, S014067362030845X. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30845-X
eppi.ioe.ac.uk eppi.ioe.ac.uk
Evidence Tracker: COVID-19
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Koren, M., & Petö, R. (2020, March 20). Business disruptions from social distancing. Cornel University. arXiv:2003.13983.
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Kamel Boulos, M.N., Geraghty, E.M. Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and associated events around the world: how 21st century GIS technologies are supporting the global fight against outbreaks and epidemics. Int J Health Geogr 19, 8 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-020-00202-8
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McKee, M., Stuckler, D. If the world fails to protect the economy, COVID-19 will damage health not just now but also in the future. Nat Med (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0863-y
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Hall, K. S., Samari, G., Garbers, S., Casey, S. E., Diallo, D. D., Orcutt, M., Moresky, R. T., Martinez, M. E., & McGovern, T. (2020). Centring sexual and reproductive health and justice in the global COVID-19 response. The Lancet, 395(10231), 1175–1177. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30801-1
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Ahmed, F. et al. (2020 April 02). Why inequality could spread COVID-19. The Lancet. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30085-2.
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Viner, R. M., et al. (2020 April 06). School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review. The Lancet. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30095-X.
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Plohl, N., & Musil, B. (2020, April 6). Modeling compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines: The critical role of trust in science. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6a2cx
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Michael Veale on Twitter.
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Klepac, P., Kucharski, A. J., Conlan, A. J., Kissler, S., Tang, M., Fry, H., & Gog, J. R. (2020). Contacts in context: Large-scale setting-specific social mixing matrices from the BBC Pandemic project [Preprint]. Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.16.20023754
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British Psychological Society. Responding to Coronavirus: Resources and support. https://www.bps.org.uk/responding-coronavirus
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Pan, A., Liu, L., Wang, C., Guo, H., Hao, X., Wang, Q., Huang, J., He, N., Yu, H., Lin, X., Wei, S., & Wu, T. (2020). Association of Public Health Interventions With the Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan, China. JAMA. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.6130
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science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Kissler, S. M., Tedijanto, C., Goldstein, E., Grad, Y. H., & Lipsitch, M. (2020). Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period. Science, eabb5793. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb5793
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Hossain, M. A. (2020). Is the spread of COVID-19 across countries influenced by environmental, economic and social factors? [Preprint]. Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.08.20058164
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Liao, H., Zhang, L., Marley, G., Tang, W. (2020). Differentiating COVID-19 response strategies. University of North Carolina Project-China. DOI: 10.1016/j.xinn.2020.04.003
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Bump, P., Wan, W. (2020 April 8). A leading model now estimates tens of thousands fewer covid-19 deaths by summer. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/04/08/leading-model-now-estimates-tens-thousands-fewer-covid-19-deaths-by-summer/
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Nielsen, R.K., Fletcher, R., Newman, N., Brennen, S., Howard, P.N. (2020 April 15). Navigating the ‘infodemic’: how people in six countries access and rate news and information about coronavirus. Reuters Institute. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/infodemic-how-people-six-countries-access-and-rate-news-and-information-about-coronavirus
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Haley, C., Orlik, J., Czibor, E., Cuello, H., Firpo, T., Goettsch, M., Stouffs, L., Smith, L. (2020 April 09). There will be no 'back to normal'. Nesta. nesta.org.uk/blog/there-will-be-no-back-normal/
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Breckon, J. (2020 April 16). Seven welcome Covid-19 trends. Researchprofessionalnews.com. https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-uk-views-of-the-uk-2020-4-seven-welcome-covid-19-trends/
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Smith, A. (2020 April 13). Re-inventing programmes for extraordinary times. The Cares Family. https://www.thecaresfamily.org.uk/blog/re-inventing-programmes-for-extraordinary-times#
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www.centerforhealthsecurity.org www.centerforhealthsecurity.org
Rivers, C., Martin, E., Gottlieb, S., Watson, C., Schoch-Spana, M., Mullen, L., Sell, T.K., Warmbrod, K.L., Hosangadi, D., Kobokovich, A., Potter, C., Cicero, A., Inglesby, T. (2020 April 17). Public health principles for a phased reopening during COVID-19: Guidance for governors. Johns Hopkins. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/publications/public-health-principles-for-a-phased-reopening-during-covid-19-guidance-for-governors
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Symonds, J.E. (2020 April 16). Positive pandemic?. The British Psychological Society, the Psychologist. https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/positive-pandemic
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Holmes, E. A., O’Connor, R. C., Perry, V. H., Tracey, I., Wessely, S., Arseneault, L., Ballard, C., Christensen, H., Cohen Silver, R., Everall, I., Ford, T., John, A., Kabir, T., King, K., Madan, I., Michie, S., Przybylski, A. K., Shafran, R., Sweeney, A., … Bullmore, E. (2020). Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: A call for action for mental health science. The Lancet Psychiatry, S2215036620301681. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30168-1
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Atchison, C. J., Bowman, L., Vrinten, C., Redd, R., Pristera, P., Eaton, J. W., & Ward, H. (2020). Perceptions and behavioural responses of the general public during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey of UK Adults [Preprint]. Public and Global Health. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.01.20050039
- adult
- data collection
- economy
- response
- social distancing
- survey
- transmission dynamics
- prevention
- handwashing
- lang:en
- COVID-19
- self-isolation
- UK
- is:preprint
- risk perception
- demographics
- government
- face mask
- cross-sectional
- modeling
- statistics
- minority
- perception
- lockdown
- behavior
- quarentine
- policy
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
Rotman, D. (2020 April 8). Stop covid or save the economy? We can do both. MIT Technology Review. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/04/08/998785/stop-covid-or-save-the-economy-we-can-do-both/
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Bailey, A., Knobe, J., & Newman, G. (2020). Value-based Essentialism: Essentialist Beliefs About Non-biological Social Groups [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/m2eby
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Kraft-Todd, G., Kleiman-Weiner, M., & Young, L. (2020, March 25). Differential virtue discounting: Public generosity is seen as more selfish than public impartiality. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zqpv7
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Sailer, M., Stadler, M., Botes, E., Fischer, F., & Greiff, S. (2020, April 9). Science knowledge and trust in medicine affect individuals’ behavior in pandemic crises. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tmu8f
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Salganik, M. J., Lundberg, I., Kindel, A. T., Ahearn, C. E., Al-Ghoneim, K., Almaatouq, A., Altschul, D. M., Brand, J. E., Carnegie, N. B., Compton, R. J., Datta, D., Davidson, T., Filippova, A., Gilroy, C., Goode, B. J., Jahani, E., Kashyap, R., Kirchner, A., McKay, S., … McLanahan, S. (2020). Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1915006117
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COVID-19 MODELING IN THE UNITED STATES. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2020, from https://covid19.gleamproject.org/#
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Forecasts by Country. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2020, from http://rocs.hu-berlin.de/corona/docs/forecast/results_by_country/
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Summers, D. (2020, April 10). The Absurd Error Lockdown Skeptics and Anti-Vaxxers Both Make. The Daily Beast. https://www.thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-lockdown-skeptics-and-anti-vaxxers-make-same-absurd-error
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Pennycook, G., McPhetres, J., Zhang, Y., & Rand, D. G. (2020, March 17). Fighting COVID-19 misinformation on social media: Experimental evidence for a scalable accuracy nudge intervention. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uhbk9
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
an evaluation of social reading platforms; an analysis of social reading applications;
This book includes a few sections about defunct Readmill.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
social annotation strategy effect, students experienced extraneouscognitive load that negatively affected their initial performance becauseof instructional activities.
Cognitive load of social annotation
www.morganclaypool.com.zorac.aub.aau.dk www.morganclaypool.com.zorac.aub.aau.dk
the sociality of reading: how we read in a group and how we share what we read.
blog.lib.uiowa.edu blog.lib.uiowa.edu
their real hidden value: the readers.”
Readers, he says, are the real -hidden- value of books.
www.csdl.tamu.edu www.csdl.tamu.edu
Isthere any way of using these annotations (cryptic jottings,emphasis symbols, underlining and highlighting) in theDocuverse?
For example, I think one could sum the highlight in each specific section. If many people highlighted a passage, then the highlight color is higher. That way one would be able to discover passages that many people found important/interesting. Although, it may also bias others to do the same. As usual.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
As of 2019, Medium is not profitable.
Medium has been focusing on optimizing the time visitors spend reading the site (1.5 million hours in March 2015), as opposed to maximizing the size of its audience
- Mar 2020
www.wired.com www.wired.com
he wants to focus on maximizing the health of conversations, and prioritizing people spending their time learning on the site
Jack Dorsey on Twitter's future
Dorsey doesn’t have all the answers. He’s more like a captain of a ship, wondering aloud how to avoid the many icebergs in his path while continuing ahead at full steam.
www.lastampa.it www.lastampa.it
le nuove tecnologie sono presenti nella vita di tutti, sia lavorativa sia quotidiana. Spesso non ci rendiamo neanche conto che interagiamo con sistemi automatici o che disseminiamo sulla rete dati che riguardano la nostra identità personale. Per cui si produce una grave asimmetria tra chi li estrae (per i propri interessi) e chi li fornisce (senza saperlo). Per ottenere certi servizi, alcuni siti chiedono a noi di precisare che non siamo un robot, ma in realtà la domanda andrebbe capovolta
«È necessario che l’etica accompagni tutto il ciclo della elaborazione delle tecnologie: dalla scelta delle linee di ricerca fino alla progettazione, la produzione, la distribuzione e l’utente finale. In questo senso papa Francesco ha parlato di “algoretica”»
www.lastampa.it www.lastampa.it
non sono gli utenti a essere incapaci di resistere alle sirene di Facebook e Instagram: sono i social network e gli smartphone a essere progettati appositamente per ottenere questo risultato.
- Feb 2020
instructionaldesign.com.au instructionaldesign.com.au
The move toward social constructivist pedagogical models, initiated by researchers such as Piaget and Vygotsky, makes the wiki a potentially useful educational tool. The wiki can provide the medium by which learners communicate and negotiate in their efforts to reach a shared understanding of a problem (Bruns, 2005).
Social constructivist pedagogical models make the wiki a useful tool. It provides a medium by which learners communicate and negotiate in their efforts to reach a common understanding.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Social media research ethics faces a contradiction between big data positivism and research ethics fundamentalism. Big data positivists tend to say, ‘Most social media data is public data. It is like data in a newspaper. I can therefore gather big data without limits. Those talking about privacy want to limit the progress of social science’. This position disregards any engagement with ethics and has a bias towards quantification. The ethical framework Social Media Research: A Guide to Ethics (Townsend and Wallace, 2016) that emerged from an ESRC-funded project tries to avoid both extremes and to take a critical-realist position: It recommends that social scientists neither ignore nor fetishize research ethics when studying digital media.Research ethics fundamentalists in contrast tend to say,You have to get informed consent for every piece of social media data you gather because we cannot assume automatic consent, users tend not to read platform’s privacy policies, they may assume some of their data is private and they may not agree to their data being used in research. Even if you anonymize the users you quote, many can still be identified in the networked online environment.
One important aspect of critical social media research is the study of not just ideolo-gies of the Internet but also ideologies on the Internet. Critical discourse analysis and ideology critique as research method have only been applied in a limited manner to social media data. Majid KhosraviNik (2013) argues in this context that ‘critical dis-course analysis appears to have shied away from new media research in the bulk of its research’ (p. 292). Critical social media discourse analysis is a critical digital method for the study of how ideologies are expressed on social media in light of society’s power structures and contradictions that form the texts’ contexts.
Marx is certainly not the only relevant critical social theorist who matters for under-standing social media. The critical study of social media should be based on a broad range of critical theories of society. The crisis of capitalism and the devastating social and political effects of austerity and neoliberalism have made evident that political econ-omy can no longer be ignored in the study of society. This does not mean that the econ-omy determines society but rather that all social phenomena have an economy and are economic and non-economic at the same time (Fuchs, 2015a).
There are at least six elements in Marx’s works that are of key relevance for understanding communications today (Fuchs, 2016b; Fuchs and Mosco, 2016a, 2016b):(1) Praxis communication: Marx was not just a critical political economist but also a critical journalist and polemicist, whose writing style can inspire critical thought today.(2) Global communication: Marx stressed the connection of communication technol-ogy and globalization. In an age, where there are lots of talk about both the Internet and globalization, we should remind ourselves that technology-mediated globalization has had a longer history.(3) Dialectical philosophy: Marx elaborated a critical theory of technology that is based on dialectical logic. Dialectical philosophy can help us to avoid one-sided analyses of the media (Fuchs, 2014c).(4) Class analysis: Marx stressed the relevance of the connection of labour, value, commodities and capital. He analysed modern society as a class society. Focusing on class today can counter the positivism of analyses of society as information society, net-work society, knowledge-based society, post-industrial society and so on.(5) Crisis and social struggles: Marx described class struggle and crisis as factors in the historical dynamics of class societies. Class structures and struggles are in complex ways reflected on and entangled into mediated communication.(6) Alternatives: Marx envisioned alternatives to capitalism and domination. Given capitalist crisis and monopoly control of social media today, it is important to envision alternatives to capitalism and capitalist social media.
The term ‘social media’ takes on different meanings depending on what concept of the social is foregrounded. Example understandings of the social are Émile Durkheim’s concept of social facts, Max Weber’s categories of social action and social relations, Ferdinand Tönnies’ notion of community or Karl Marx’s understanding of the social as social problems and social co-production that implies the need for social ownership
Understanding and contextualizing social media
enlightenmens.lmc.gatech.edu enlightenmens.lmc.gatech.edu
might easily be known to be one of those who come there for no other Purpose
This phrase describing the woman in the pit has a negative tone and gives a negative depiction of the woman. I believe the reason behind this is due to the views of Eliza Haywood, as well as the majority of people in the 18th century. The wording used in this phrase such as, "one of those who come there for no other Purpose", suggests that the woman in the pit has nothing better to do than "create Acquaintance with as many as seem desirous of it". This negative view of the woman in the pit is probably due to her choice of occupation. During the time, high class individuals were seen as being very prim and proper and therefore expected their fellow peers to be just as prim and proper as well. These masses seem to be trying to hold members of the lower class, such as the woman in the pit, to the same standards, therefore criticizing her actions as being improper by their standards
Enlightenmens Source:Metaphor from the Theory of Moral Centiments
The idea that the members of the high class held members of the lower class to similar standards to their own could be explained by Adam Smith in The Theory of Moral Centiments. Adam Smith explains that, "we value ourselves too much and other people too little". This quote would explain why people of high class would think of themselves as superior and better while looking at the lower class and thinking the opposite. This ideology would continue to an extent where these same people would start to expect the same standards from others around them.
a Woman who sat in a Corner of the Pit
An important outlying theme of this novel is the difference in perceptions of the classes and the difference in how each class treated each other. The theater, while bringing together a lot of different classes and placing them in the same place, still had ways to separate people based on class. The theater, described in Fantomina, was no exception and utilized location as a method to separate the different social classes. This separation is outlined when our unnamed protagonist is describing the woman at the playhouse, “a Woman who sat in a Corner of the Pit”, indicating that she was of a lower class. Alternatively, our protagonist is first described as, “happened to be in a Box one Night at the Playhouse”, indicating that she was of a good class. This difference in location of each class is a great indicator of how each class was perceived. For the members of the higher classes, they were seen as more important and more respectable than the lower classes. This characterization of the higher classes is evident by the better seating and better view of the stage given to the box seats since they were physically higher than the pit area. This difference in height in the seating locations resembles a superiority complex given to people sitting in the boxes, while giving the constant reminder to the people in the pit that they were less important than the high classes located in the boxes. Source: The Haymarket Theatre
This is a picture of what a theater at the time would look like. In the picture, the pit is the area in the bottom and the boxes are the balconies off to the side on each floor. This picture gives a visual representation of how theaters at the time would separate the high class from the low class using location differences between the boxes and the pit.
happened to be
One difference in how Eliza Haywood describes the protagonist and the woman in the pit is through the reason for why they are at the theater. In the case of the protagonist, Eliza Haywood describes her being at the theater by using the words, "happened to be". This phrase seems to insinuate that the protagonist usually has more pressing matters to attend to instead of attending plays at the theater. Alternatively, Eliza Haywood describes the woman in the pit being in the theater by using the words, "one of those who come there for no other Purpose". The wording in this description of why the woman in the pit is here seems to be insinuating that she has little importance and nothing else to do other than "create Acquaintance with as many as seem desirous of it". These depictions give us insight into how people in the 18th century might have perceived members of the high class in a more favorable fashion compared to members of the low class.
A YOUNG Lady of distinguished Birth, Beauty, Wit, and Spirit,
As described in the novel, different classes had different perceptions of the way each class was supposed to dress and act like, making how someone dressed or acted an easy indicator of what social status they were a part of. Fantomina depicts this recognition of social differences when the author is describing the woman in the pit, “by her Air and Manner of receiving them, might easily be known to be one of those who come there for no other Purpose, than to create Acquaintance with as many as seem desirous of it”. The outward appearance and attitude of this woman in the pit would seem to indicate that this woman is of lower class. This indication is due to her personality that would be considered improper and extremely scandalous at the time. In comparison, the author describes the protagonist as, “A YOUNG Lady of distinguished Birth, Beauty, Wit, and Spirit”. This gleaming description of our protagonist completely overshadows the lackluster description of the lady in the pit. The extreme separation in outward appearance between the protagonist and the woman in the pit shows the fact that during the 18th century, outward appearance and personality were an easy indicator of what social class a person belongs to.
thesocietypages.org thesocietypages.org
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
www.everydaysociologyblog.com www.everydaysociologyblog.com
Though the presence of conflict in socially just design may seem like an impediment, it is actually a healthy sign that a project is tackling topics worthy of debate. This is especially true for marginalized people, who have “interests in asking questions [about power, oppression, and inequality], and dominant groups have interests in not hearing them” [3].
conflict is a healthy sign that project is tackling topics worthy of debate.
danmackinlay.name danmackinlay.name
Upon the efficient consumption and summarizing of news from around the world. Remember? from when we though the internet would provide us timely, pertinent information from around the world? How do we find internet information in a timely fashion? I have been told to do this through Twitter or Facebook, but, seriously… no. Those are systems designed to waste time with stupid distractions in order to benefit someone else. Facebook is informative in the same way that thumb sucking is nourishing. Telling me to use someone’s social website to gain information is like telling me to play poker machines to fix my financial troubles.. Stop that.
gsantner.net gsantner.net
on your blog, diaspora*, mastodon, .. :).
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
socialists do not support capitalism, meaning they want workers to control the means of production
Workers controlling the means of production sounds like co-operative industries. This paradigm is not antithetical to 'capitalism' in the sense that there is still private ownership of the means of production. I disagree with the statement that democratic socialists do not support capitalism.
A good debate on this topic here - https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/323/are-worker-cooperatives-socialist-capitalist-or-their-own-category
- Jan 2020
marxdown.github.io marxdown.github.io
In the original German, 'prevails' is rendered "herrscht." Herrscht shares a common root with the ordinary German word Herr (Mister, or, more evocatively, Master). 'Lordship' (as, in the chapter of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, on 'Lordship and Bondage' is rendered Herrschaft.)
My own reading of Capital tends to center upon the question of domination in capitalist societies, and throughout chapter 1 (in particular, in The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof) Marx is especially attuned to the distinguishing how the forms of domination that are prevalent in capitalist societies are distinct from the relations of "personal dependence" that characterize pre-capitalist modes of production.
It seems prudent, therefore, to take note of the way that the seemingly innocuous notion of 'prevalence' is, for Marx, in his original formulation, already evocative of the language of mastery, domination, perhaps even something like 'hegemony'.
Furthermore, the capitalist mode of production prevails--it predominates. Yet, as Louis Althusser observes in his discussion of the concept of the 'mode of production' in On the Reproduction of Capitalism, every concrete social formation can be classified according to the mode of production that is dominant (that prevails--herrscht). In order to dominate, something must implicitly be dominated, or subordinate. "In every social formation," Althusser writes, "there exists more than one mode of production: at least two and often many more." Althusser cites Lenin, who in his analysis of the late 19th c. Russian social formation, observes that four modes of production can be distinguished (Louis Althusser, On the Reproduction of Capitalism, Verso 2014, p. 19.)
In our analysis of social formations, the concrete specificity of each can be articulated by carefully examining the multiplicity of modes of production that coincide within it, and examine the way in which capitalism tends to dominate a multiplicity of subordinate modes of production that, on the one hand, survive from past modes of production but which may also, on the other, be emerging in the present (i.e. communism). Thus even if capitalism tends towards the formation of a contiguous world-system dominated by its particular imperatives, this does not mean that this process is homogenous or unfolds in the same way in each instance.
For some commentators, capitalism is defined by the prevalence of wage labor and the specific dynamics that obtain therefrom. Yet this has often led to confusion over, whether, in analyzing the North American social formation prior to 1865, in which slavery coexists with wage-labor, the mode of production based on slave-labor is pre-capitalist. Yet as we find here in ch. 1, what determines the commodity as a commodity is not that it is the product of wage labor, rather that it is produced for exchange. As Marx writes on p. 131, "He who satisfies his own need with the product of his own labor admittedly creates use-values, but not commodities. Insofar as the slave-system in North America produced commodities (cotton, tobacco, etc.) for exchange on the world market, the fact that these commodities were produced under direct conditions of domination does not have any bearing on whether or not we identify this system of production as 'capitalist'. Wage-labor is therefore not likely the determinative factor; the determinative factor is the production of commodities for exchange. It is only insofar as commodities confront one another as exchange-values that the various modes of useful labor appear as expressions of a homogenous common substance, labor in the abstract
It is in this sense that we can observe one of the ways that the capitalist mode of production prevails over other modes of production, as it subordinates these modes of production to production for exchange, and thus the law of value, regardless of whether wage-labor represents the dominant form of this relation. Moreover, it provides a clue to how we can examine, for example, the persistence of unwaged work within the family, which has important consequences for Social Reproduction Theory.
Nonetheless, we can say that insofar as commodities confront each other on the market in a scene of exchange that they implicitly contain some 'third thing' which enables us to compare them as bearers of a magnitude of value. This 'third thing', as Marx's demonstration shows, is 'socially necessary labour time', which anticipates the way that wage-labor will become a dominant feature of capitalist society.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
The Coerciveness of the Primary Key: Infrastructure Problems in Human Services Work