- Feb 2024
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Webinaire animé par Patrick BINISTI, docteur en Sciences du langage et formateur Adaptation scolaire et handicap (ASH) à l'INSPE de Créteil. Patrick BINISTI est spécialisé dans la prise en compte du fonctionnement cognitif d'enfants avec des troubles du spectre autistique. Ainsi, ce module 2 du parcours de formation « L’école inclusive » traite du fonctionnement cognitif et psychologique des élèves avec autisme. Il présente aussi des pistes pour créer un environnement favorable à leur accueil.
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Eric Debarbieux, professeur des Universités, président de l’Observatoire Européen de la Violence à l’École
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Résumé vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:18:46][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est une interview de Sophie Audugé, présidente de SOS Éducation, qui dénonce les dérives de l'éducation sexuelle à l'école en France. Elle expose les principes et les sources de cette éducation, qui selon elle, sexualise précocement les enfants et nie leur développement cognitif et affectif. Elle alerte sur les conséquences traumatiques de ces interventions, souvent réalisées par des associations militantes sans contrôle ni consentement. Elle demande au ministère de l'Éducation nationale de clarifier sa position et de réorienter l'éducation à la sexualité vers les adolescents.
Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Le contexte et le thème de l'interview * L'éducation sexuelle à l'école est un sujet d'actualité controversé * SOS Éducation publie un rapport sur les dérives de cette éducation + [00:00:28][^4^][4] Les dérives de l'éducation sexuelle à l'école * Des propos et des pratiques inadaptés à l'âge des enfants * Des associations militantes qui interviennent sans agrément ni contrôle * Des parents et des enseignants qui ne sont pas informés ni consultés + [00:04:06][^5^][5] Les principes et les sources de l'éducation sexuelle à l'école * Une loi de 2001 qui impose trois séances par an à tout niveau d'âge * Des standards européens de l'OMS qui promeuvent une sexualité infantile et un consentement précoce * Une stratégie de santé sexuelle française qui défend une sexualité positive et une autodétermination + [00:09:02][^6^][6] Les conséquences de l'éducation sexuelle à l'école * Un impact négatif sur le développement cognitif, affectif et psychique des enfants * Une exposition à la pornographie et à des comportements sexuels violents * Une manipulation sémantique et idéologique qui nie la réalité biologique du sexe + [00:13:53][^7^][7] Les demandes de SOS Éducation * Une clarification de la position de l'État français sur la sexualité infantile * Une réorientation de l'éducation à la sexualité vers les adolescents * Une prise en compte des connaissances scientifiques sur le développement de l'enfant
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Les EREA sont des établissements particuliers mais nous avions envie de comprendre les pratiques spécifiques d'accueil et d'accompagnement des élèves ainsi que les manières de transposer ces pratiques dans nos établissements "ordinaires" avec ou sans SEGPA. Tous les élèves ont des besoins particuliers mais nous savons à quel point c'est un défi d'accueillir nos élèves dits à BEP.
Retrouver dans ce webinaire, l'échange entre et les outils de Marie-Laure Dumond Fourmanoir, directrice d’EREA et Carine Mallet, chef d'établissement sur cette thématique de l'école inclusive.
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Enregistrement de la plénière du 17 mai 2022 lors du colloque Les compétences psychosociales : un (en)jeu d'enfant ? Les compétences psychosociales ont été définies par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé comme des compétences permettant à l'individu de s'adapter au mieux et de manière constructive aux situations qu'il rencontre en respectant et en collaborant avec les autres. Le développement de ces compétences représente un facteur de protection important en termes de santé mentale, de conduites à risques de l'adolescent et de réussite éducative. Cette présentation reviendra sur les notions clés, les résultats des nombreuses recherches ayant mis en évidence les effets des interventions de développement des compétences psychosociales, et les moyens concrets de favoriser leur développement auprès des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes.
Avec Rebecca Shankland, Professeure de psychologie du développement à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, chercheuse au Laboratoire DIPHE (Développement, Individu, Processus, Handicap, Education) et responsable de l'Observatoire du Bien-être à l'Ecole.
Découvrez ou redécouvrez notre webinaire avec Éric Battut autour de la gestion d'une classe difficile et de l'autorité.
Vous faites face à un élève perturbateur ou à une classe difficile et vous vous posez des questions ?
Éric Battut vous donne des clés pour construire ses outils et adopter les gestes qui vous correspondent tout en répondant à chaque profil d’élève (ordinaire ou à besoin particulier) et de classe.
Il répond également à de nombreuses questions posées lors du webinaire.
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Fortes de leur présence quotidienne dans les centres de rétention administrative (CRA) de France métropolitaine et d’Outre-mer, France terre d'asile, Forum réfugiés, le Groupe SOS Solidarités-Assfam, La Cimade et Solidarité Mayotte publient un rapport documentant les principales problématiques observées dans ces lieux et fournissent des chiffres sur les situations rencontrées en 2022.
Ces associations alertent une nouvelle fois sur l’augmentation constante des tensions dans les CRA et l’importance de prendre en considération la situation individuelle des personnes avant toute décision de placement en rétention ou d’éloignement
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Ce webinaire fait partie du module 2 issu du parcours "Ecole inclusive : de la théorie à la pratique". Il est animé par Annie Talamoni, inspectrice de l'Éducation nationale.
En tant que chargée de mission « gestion des enfants créant des situations perturbantes » pour le DSDEN 93, elle partage dans cette vidéo ses analyses et ses expériences et propose des pistes, des facilitations et postures qui aident dans l’accompagnement de ces élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers.
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Ce webinaire fait partie du module 2 du parcours de formation "l'école inclusive : de la théorie à la pratique" intitulé "de la prise en compte des besoins éducatifs particuliers à la pratique de l'inclusion scolaire" sur la prise en charge des élèves à haut potentiel, dispensé par Yoann PHILIPPOT, formateur et coordonnateur d’un dispositif ULIS TFC (Trouble des Fonctions Cognitives) dans l'académie de Créteil, qui propose des ressources et des outils pour différencier l'enseignement afin de mieux répondre aux besoins éducatifs particuliers de ces élèves.
Cette conférence fait partie du module 2 issu du parcours "Ecole inclusive : de la théorie à la pratique". Animé par Grégoire Cochetel, maître formateur et enseignant spécialisé auprès d'élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers. Il traite de la collaboration entre les enseignants et les AESH (Accompagnant d'Elèves en Situation de Handicap) et présente les savoir-faire, les postures et les gestes professionnels adaptés à la diversité des accompagnements dont doivent disposer les AESH et les conditions indispensables au bon équilibre au sein du binôme enseignant-AESH.
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Ce webinaire fait partie du module 2 issu du parcours "Ecole inclusive : de la théorie à la pratique". Il est animé par Isabelle Ducos-Filippi, enseignante spécialisée et chargée de mission TSLA pour la DSDEN 77 qui présente des ressources et outils destinés aux besoins des élèves présentant un TDA/H (Trouble du Déficit d'Attention ou sans Hyperactivité) et apporte des réponses afin d'aider les enseignants à différencier leur enseignement dans une démarche inclusive.
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Violences sexuelles et vie scolaire : éclairages de la recherche et du terrain Normes, consentement et rapports sociaux dans la sexualité : apports d’enquêtes sociologiques auprès des jeunes
Yaëlle Amsellem-Mainguy, sociologue, Institut national de la jeunesse et de l’éducation populaire
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Les entretiens du contentieux sont l’occasion de remettre en lumière ce principe, dans un contexte à la fois d’affirmation des intérêts individuels et d’émergence de nouveaux enjeux, notamment environnementaux ou numériques.
Colloque organisé dans le cadre des Entretiens du contentieux, le mardi 28 novembre 2023
12:25 : Ouverture - Didier-Roland TABUTEAU, vice-président du Conseil d'État 46:36 : TR1 – Intérêt général et action publique 50:58: Pierre DELVOLVE, membre de l'académie des sciences morales et politiques. Professeur émérite de l'Université de Paris II 1:04:01: Frédéric VEAUX, directeur général de la police nationale 1:22:39: Murielle FABRE, secrétaire générale de l'AMF, vice-présidente de l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg, maire de la commune de Lampertheim (67) 1:44:34: Marie-Amandine STEVENIN, présidente de UFC-QUE CHOISIR
2:17:20 : TR2 – Les différentes formes de l’intérêt général 2:24:45: Benoît COEURE, présidente de la 1ère chambre de la section du contentieux, Conseil d'État 2:46:18: Gaelle DUMORTIER, présidente de la 1ère chambre de la section du contentieux, Conseil d'Etat 3:01:51: Me Denis DE LA BURGADE, avocat aux Conseils
3:32:54 : Questions/ réponses 3:47:32 : Clôture
- Jan 2024
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Le mercredi 24 janvier 2024, France terre d'asile et l'Institut Convergences Migrations ont organisé un colloque sur la santé mentale des demandeur·se·s d'asile au Ministère de la Santé.
Retrouvez dans ce dernier replay : 6) La table ronde sur la santé mentale des enfants demandeurs d’asile : comment mieux détecter et accompagner ? - Thierry Baubet, professeur des universités praticien hospitalier en psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, chef de service AP-HP, Hôpital Avicenne, codirecteur scientifique du Centre National de Ressources et de Résilience (Cn2r) - Andrea Barros Leal, psychologue clinicienne au Comede - Mario Speranza, pédopsychiatre, professeur de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent (Université de Versailles), directeur de recherche, INSERM Paris Saclay - Anne Hegoburu, sous-directrice de la régulation de l’offre de soins, Direction générale de l’offre de soins, Ministère du travail, de la santé et des solidarités Modération : Lamia Missaoui, sociologue, Laboratoire Printemps UVSQ, Co-directrice du département Health de l'Institut Convergences Migrations
La conclusion de cette journée d'échanges - Delphine Rouilleault, directrice générale de France terre d’asile
MSH-ALPES (MAISON DES SCIENCES DE L'HOMME) Conférence de Marine Paucsik dans le cadre du cycle "Fil Good. Lier la recherche et le bien-être en société" (saison 9).
Le sentiment de sécurité est une dimension clé du bien-être psychologique et joue un rôle majeur dans le développement socio-émotionnel des individus et l'apparition des troubles psychopathologiques (e.g., Mikulincer & Shaver 2012; Ward et al., 2006).
Selon la théorie de l'attachement (Bowlby, 1969, 1982), le sentiment de sécurité psychologique serait déterminé par la construction de représentations mentales inter et intra individuelles formées dans les relations d'attachement de type sécure pendant l'enfance (Bowlby, 1979).
Toutefois, les recherches montrent que l'attachement est un construit malléable et que le sentiment de sécurité peut être à la fois temporellement acquis et installé sur le long terme via des pratiques d'amorces d'attachement sécure (Gillath et al., 2008).
Cette présentation exposera la façon dont la Thérapie Fondée sur la Compassion permet d'initier et de recréer ce lien sécure tout en apportant des points de vigilances sur l'implémentation de ces pratiques (e.g., Baldwin et al., 2019).
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Voici le résumé de la vidéo sur le webinaire “L’art au service du bien-être à l’école” avec les timecode associés:
- Introduction (00:00 - 02:30): Marine Pierrat et Laurent Bastien présentent le webinaire, le dernier module du parcours "Climat scolaire et bien être à l'école", et les objectifs de la séance.
- L'art comme outil de médiation (02:30 - 16:00): Marine Pierrat explique comment l'art peut favoriser le bien-être des élèves et des enseignants, à travers des exemples de pratiques artistiques (théâtre, danse, musique, arts plastiques, etc.) et des témoignages d'acteurs de terrain.
- L'art comme support de connaissances (16:00 - 28:00): Laurent Bastien montre comment l'art peut enrichir les apprentissages disciplinaires et transversaux, en s'appuyant sur des exemples de projets menés dans des établissements scolaires (fresque historique, slam poétique, exposition virtuelle, etc.).
- Conclusion (28:00 - 30:00): Marine Pierrat et Laurent Bastien rappellent les principaux points abordés lors du webinaire, remercient les participants et les invitent à consulter les ressources complémentaires disponibles sur le site de Canopé.
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Résumé vidéo [00:00:08][^1^][1] - [00:09:30][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente les témoignages de parents et d'enseignants sur le rapport entre la famille et l'école. Elle aborde les difficultés, les craintes, les réussites et les enjeux de cette relation. Elle montre comment le dialogue, la confiance et la coopération peuvent favoriser le bien-être et la réussite des enfants.
Points forts: + [00:00:08][^3^][3] La crainte des parents face à l'école * Certains parents se sentent jugés, incompris ou dépassés * Ils ont peur de ne pas savoir aider leurs enfants ou de ne pas être à la hauteur * Ils ont honte de leur manque de connaissance ou de leur situation de précarité + [00:03:58][^4^][4] Le déclic du dialogue entre parents et enseignants * Une enseignante aborde une mère sur un sujet hors école et crée un lien humain * Une autre enseignante partage ses craintes avec une mère qui se reconnaît en elle * Les parents se sentent écoutés, respectés et valorisés + [00:05:41][^5^][5] La formation des enseignants sur le rapport aux familles * Les enseignants reconnaissent qu'ils n'ont pas été formés sur ce sujet * Ils apprennent sur le terrain avec leur sensibilité et leur public * Ils sont parfois confrontés à des situations difficiles ou douloureuses + [00:06:25][^6^][6] L'orientation et le handicap des enfants * Les enseignants doivent parfois proposer aux parents de déposer un dossier à la MDPH * Le terme de handicap n'est pas neutre et provoque des réactions intenses * Les professionnels se sentent en difficulté dans leur mission + [00:07:14][^7^][7] La solidarité et l'entraide entre parents * Les parents se soutiennent mutuellement pour surmonter leurs peurs et leurs échecs * Ils s'encouragent à participer aux réunions ou à être parents délégués * Ils se font confiance et se font représenter par d'autres parents
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alors bonjour à toutes et à tous euh donc je me présente je suis Frédéric ledouger euh la la juriste de de service maîtresse de conférence en droit privé à 02:27:57 l'Université de Lille
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Résumé vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:24:18][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente le travail de J-PAL Europe en matière d'expérimentation et d'évaluation des politiques publiques en France, notamment dans les domaines de l'éducation, de l'emploi et de la migration. Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre du 20e anniversaire de J-PAL, une organisation de recherche qui vise à réduire la pauvreté en s'appuyant sur des preuves scientifiques.
Points forts: + [00:00:23][^3^][3] L'histoire et le contexte de J-PAL Europe en France * Créé en 2008 à l'École d'économie de Paris * Inspiré par la réforme constitutionnelle de 2003 qui permet l'expérimentation sociale * Impliqué dans des projets innovants comme le RSA, le fonds d'expérimentation pour la jeunesse ou le programme IDEE + [00:04:09][^4^][4] Le rôle de l'expérimentation dans les politiques publiques en France * Témoignage de Martin Hirsch, ancien haut-commissaire aux solidarités actives contre la pauvreté * Plaidoyer pour une culture de la preuve et de l'évaluation rigoureuse * Exemples de sujets sociaux qui mériteraient des expérimentations contrôlées + [00:21:01][^5^][5] La collaboration entre J-PAL Europe et Pôle emploi * Présentation de Bruno Crépon, chercheur au Crest et co-directeur du programme marché de l'emploi de J-PAL * Retour sur plusieurs expérimentations menées depuis 20 ans sur l'accompagnement renforcé, le coaching personnalisé ou le suivi intensif des demandeurs d'emploi * Discussion avec Cyril Nouveau, directeur des statistiques, des études et de l'évaluation de Pôle emploi, sur l'utilité et l'impact de ces expérimentations
Résumé vidéo [00:24:20][^1^][1] - [00:48:08][^2^][2]:
La deuxième partie de la vidéo parle des expérimentations et des évaluations menées par Pôle emploi pour améliorer l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi et des entreprises. Le conférencier présente les résultats de plusieurs études qui utilisent des méthodes rigoureuses pour estimer les effets des dispositifs sur le retour à l'emploi, la satisfaction des usagers et la demande de travail.
Points forts: + [00:24:20][^3^][3] L'impact de l'accompagnement renforcé des demandeurs d'emploi * Une étude randomisée qui compare trois groupes : accompagnement standard, accompagnement renforcé par le secteur public (CVE) et accompagnement renforcé par le secteur privé (OPP) * Un effet positif et significatif de l'accompagnement renforcé sur le taux de retour à l'emploi, surtout pour le CVE * Un effet négatif sur les demandeurs d'emploi qui ne bénéficient pas de l'accompagnement renforcé, surtout dans les marchés déprimés + [00:32:01][^4^][4] L'impact de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leur recrutement * Une étude randomisée qui compare deux groupes : entreprises prospectées et accompagnées par Pôle emploi et entreprises non prospectées * Un effet positif et significatif sur le nombre d'offres déposées à Pôle emploi et sur le nombre d'embauches en CDI * Un effet plus important pour les entreprises qui étaient déjà clientes de Pôle emploi + [00:36:00][^5^][5] Les perspectives de recherche pour améliorer les recommandations d'offres * Deux études en cours qui visent à personnaliser les offres proposées aux demandeurs d'emploi en fonction de leurs préférences ou de leurs caractéristiques * Une approche participative qui demande aux demandeurs d'emploi de pondérer les critères des offres (métier, salaire, localisation, etc.) * Une approche prédictive qui utilise les données administratives pour identifier les appariements réussis entre demandeurs d'emploi et offres
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Cette partie de la vidéo parle de la recherche expérimentale en éducation, en prenant l’exemple d’une intervention menée par l’association Énergie Jeunes dans des collèges de l’académie de Versailles. L’intervention vise à développer les compétences socio-émotionnelles des élèves, notamment leur estime de soi, leur persévérance et leur conception de l’intelligence. Les chercheurs ont évalué l’impact de l’intervention sur ces dimensions, ainsi que sur les résultats scolaires des élèves, en utilisant un protocole rigoureux avec un groupe de contrôle.
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Colloque 2022-2023 : Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science aux politiques publiques Conférence du 23 juin 2023 : Placing Evidence and Innovation at the Heart of Development Policy: Opening Address
Intervenant : Abhijit Banerjee, Professor, MIT; J-PAL Director
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - explainer video - cities adapting to climate change - climate-resilient cities
uses - good explainer video for BEing journeys to demonstrate trending local impacts
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Il y a 22 fois le mot parent
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
This article is referenced to in the 2023-12-18 episode of John Oliver's 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo3zORUGCbM
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
there are more media types that the team is working on it's heavily text oriented right now but I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with more audio or video related features because I know in the PKM space those are high in demand
Yes! Video and audio for me!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pAN07LwN-s Slims9, videotutorial, piattaforma open source per la catalogazione dei libri di una biblioteca pubblica e privata
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
videos.assemblee-nationale.fr videos.assemblee-nationale.fr
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
trying to edit a super small video a short actually on DaVinci Resolve and I cannot do anything anything it's like the weirdest thing uh so I guess there is a super uh deep learning curve to start using this software
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
cap cut their Auto caption uh feature works much much quicker and oftentimes a lot more accurately
Auto Caption: especially if CapCut 剪映 jianying, jian ying (made by ByteDance, think TikTok) also offers Chinese caption, I'm sold!
there is a feature that both cap cut desktop and DaVinci Resolve both have but in my opinion and most importantly in my experience cap cut does this better than DaVinci Resolve
Can't wait to find out
if you're going to write a 00:35:14 plugin for an ide prepare for your hello world to be days of learning and pages of code just to do the hello world
If you're going to write a plugin for an IDE, prepare for your hello-world to be days of learning and pages of code just to do the hello-world.
now i would love someday to do a plug-in for intellij that understands all of the 00:33:01 custom stuff for my game code right you know i would love to but you know that's that's a project
Now, I would love someday to do a plug-in for IntelliJ that understands all of the custom stuff for my game code. Right? You know, I would love to, but you know that's that's a project.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Agreed that this is very well done; however to attribute "mindless consumerism" solely to economic design is an oversimplification. It overlooks the significant role of trauma, mental health, spiritual poverty, etc. In many ways mindless consumerism has become 'medicine' for the masses to dull their pain and deep sense of isolation (all of which is welcomed under the current system as it feeds capitalism).
for: feedback - Weall - system change explainer video
- good observation by Claire Elizabeth Wiliiams
- for: explainer video - system change, not climate change, Weall, Wellbeing Economy Alliance
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
journée d'études protection de l'enfance et scolarité qui a pour thème de réflexion aujourd'hui l'école comme facteur et espace de protection et de résilience pour les 00:00:12 élèves bénéficiant d'une mesure de protection
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
- Oct 2023
- Sep 2023
www.gardnercampbell.net www.gardnercampbell.net
Art is the hook that engages students…. The subjects are familiar so that students have much to recognize but they also contain elements of mystery so students have observations, ideas, and emotions to puzzle over [my emphasis]. (p. 24)
Right, so the modern equivalent would be to design a game or an 3d animation in an intuitive way, yet the integration of pipeline in this systems makes it so that not even experienced professionals in the area cn develop a short film or an interactive experience through art that eases people into coding.
I think we need to do a better job at this. If the system that allowed us to design the processes also taught it to people then we wouldn't have to chose between improving the learning curve and the system there should all be one. why did we stop shipping manuals with our tech..? ahh it was because we stopped caring about what the people that designed the tool thought.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Best video I've seen in years!
- comment
- this video animation is a social commentary on the many failings of modernity
- comment
www.apha.org www.apha.org
This science-based, evidence-backed field strives to give everyone a safe place to live, learn, work and play.
Instead of treating people when they get sick, it should be prevented before it happens. In industrial-era Great Britain in the 19th century, years of protesting led to better work systems and fewer workplace deaths. Reliable health care, and safe drinking water. People without these resources can live up to twenty years less than those with these conditions. Increased education, stricter laws regarding seatbelts, or better building of car seats can prevent car crashes by 41 percent. Multiple solutions, and players address issues from multiple perspectives can fix the issue. creating parks in under resourced community can encourage people to get active and reduce heart disease or other illnesses
- Aug 2023
drive.google.com drive.google.com
I wasn’t really thinking about this until sometime in the ’90s when I got an email from someone who said, “Can you tell me if this is the correct meaning of the Liskov substitution principle?” So that was the first time I had any idea that there was such a thing, that this name had developed.[...] I discovered there were lots and lots of people on the Internet having arguments about what the Liskov substitution principle meant.
I used to feel kind of jealous of the electrical engineers because I thought, “At least they have these components and they connect them by wires, and that forces you to really focus on what those wires are.” Whereas software was so plastic that people used to design without thinking much about those wires, and so then they would end up with this huge mess of interconnections between the pieces of the program, and that was a big problem.
- Jul 2023
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
- Jun 2023
assets.pubpub.org assets.pubpub.org
LeBlanc, D. G., & Lee, G. (2021). General Deep Reinforcement Learning in NES Games. Canadian AI 2021. Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association (CAIAC). https://doi.org/10.21428/594757db.8472938b
www.descript.com www.descript.com
All-in-one video & podcast editing, easy as a doc.
Alan Levine has been using this to do podcast editing and it allows for snipping out and replacing audio segments.
- May 2023
at min 7:1`3 in video this thing happens
developers.google.com developers.google.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
- Apr 2023
www.theoplayer.com www.theoplayer.com
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
- Mar 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Elle s'est plongée dans le journal intime de sa sœur 3 168 vues 20 mars 2023 Brut Brut Validé 1,64 M d’abonnés Abonné Abonné 229 J'aime ce contenu Je n'aime pas ce contenu Partager Partager Télécharger Télécharger 3 168 vues 20 mars 2023 3 168 vues • 20 mars 2023 Elle avait 21 ans et rêvait de devenir écrivaine. Après des années de harcèlement scolaire, elle s'est suicidée, laissant derrière elle son journal intime. Ses mots, sa sœur Agathe a choisi de les publier dans un roman, son roman : Le Livre de Liane. Elle raconte son histoire.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
La Boussole de la Santé Mentale
- Feb 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Y a-t-il trop de fonctionnaires ?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
L'école accroît-elle les inégalités ?
www.loom.com www.loom.com
JEA 2020 Comment assurer la mobilité de tous en milieu rural ? 102 vues 28 mai 2021 Alternatives Economiques
www.dekudeals.com www.dekudeals.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
La gratuité scolaire : impossible?
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
axi embodies a new generation of games
Axie Infinity play-to-earn game
Funded by a16z, this game allowed character owners to farm out their characters to "scholars" who would play them for a cut of the player's earnings. It has been accused of relying on predatory mechanisms to extract rent from lower demographic populations.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
Chunked responses were also supported
How video's sent? Is there such a thing as chunked requests?
Jerry Michalski mentioned using this recording/editing tool as a means of having something that looked "different" than the traditional Zoom, Meet, etc. products.
www.gamedeveloper.com www.gamedeveloper.com
The game went on to be a minor hit in Japan, selling over 100,000 copies -- and was followed up by a Game Boy version which, thanks to Pokemon's popularity, sold over 300,000, launching the new franchise.
Interesting facts about the launch of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series in Japan. The first game for SNES sold about 100,000 copies. The game that most launched the series, however, was the simpler Game Boy game, which "sold over 300,000, launching the new franchise." This article credits the success of Pokemon in part with the high sales of Story of Seasons.
"It wasn't all that easy to apply the concept of living life in the countryside to a game design document," said Yasuhiro Wada, creator of the Harvest Moon franchise. Wada had moved to Tokyo after being brought up in the countryside. Though he had no interest in returning to that environment, he finally understood its advantages compared to the big city, and thus wanted to turn that experience into a game. The problem was that he didn't know how. "I needed to nail the player experience," said Wada, but he had a problem: "How do you express the game system of living while working?"
Yasuhiro Wada, the creator of Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, explained that he first had the idea of creating a game where the player cared for cows from growing up in the Japanese countryside.
www.videogameschronicle.com www.videogameschronicle.com
“It looked like we’d run out of time and would have to scrap the battling feature, but Nintendo made it clear they wanted battles in the game, so we had to make it happen”, he explained“So I just thought, ‘well no choice then, it has to be done,’ and the early battles were something you just watched. You would just see there was a battle and who won and who lost.”Morimoto revealed that when this element was first shown to Nintendo, the feedback was negative. “We showed that to Nintendo and the surveys we got back called it ‘boring’,” Morimoto said. “I guess they were right, but we were cutting it close to the deadline trying to add in battles that the player commands.“Ultimately, it’s what everyone wanted, so we got it to work with the Link Cable and made it a reality.”
The story of how Pokémon Red and Blue were almost released without link cable battling.
www.gameinformer.com www.gameinformer.com
Ai Ebihara is the kind of character that you expect to hate from the get-go, but her struggle surprisingly becomes one of the better links in the game. Ai is pretty and rich, and she knows it – something that makes her insufferable at the start. She is always stroking her own ego, keeping up appearances, and spends her time being generally self-centered. But it takes a form of rejection to show Ai is dealing with some heavy feelings, even suicidal thoughts. What I loved so much about Ai’s social link is that it’s unpredictable – a rollercoaster of uncertainty. Every time you think you know where you stand with the girl and make progress, you get slapped in the face with an unsettling event or revelation. The question the link poses: Is there a redeeming quality about her? Can a kind soul be all it takes to save someone? Watching it all unfold is beautiful.
"The question the link poses: Is there a redeeming quality about [Ai Ebihara]? Can a kind soul be all it takes to save someone?"
This is a beautiful write-up of the Ai Ebihara social link in Persona 4. I would be curious what the author thinks the answers are to the two questions presented. In my view, Ai's redeeming quality -- that is the quality she uses to redeem her character in the end -- is the same quality that drove her unpleasant personality early in the arc -- introspection. The player "saves" Ai by giving Ai the courage to save herself. Part of the beauty of the link is that the rest is for Ai to figure out as she goes forward.
- Dec 2022
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
4NO POSTING OR UPLOADING VIDEOS OF ANY KINDTo protect the quality of our group & prevent members from being solicited products & services - we don't allow any videos because we can't monitor what's being said word for word. Written post only.
annotation meta: may need new tag: - can't effectively monitor
mr_goldberg.gitlab.io mr_goldberg.gitlab.io
Steam emulator for GNU/Linux and Windows that emulates steam online features. Lets you play games that use the steam multiplayer apis on a LAN without steam or an internet connection.
Interesting project to make it possible to run some Steam games that ordinarily would require Steam to be running to run without Steam.
www.noixduquebec.org www.noixduquebec.org
Noyer cendré : visitez le reportage fait par les gens du Conseil de l’environnent du centre du Québec qui ont étudié300 noyers cendrés de leur région . Leur site nous explique avec beaucoup de détails le chancre du noyer cendré :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZKd9ey9Zsk
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Body Paratext
Embed quizzes, prompts, and asynchronous discussions in the middle of a video.
Closing Paratext
Ask students to prepare a very short, two to three sentence reflection or to make a one-minute video explaining what they learned.
Introductory ParatextLet’s consider what might ease students into video-based learning. Imagine the students with the least and the most experience using educational videos. Keep in mind that students don’t have common expectations around how to use those videos. What kind of introductory text, video or activity might lead everyone into the assigned video without overwhelming them?
The author provides several terms to describe how an instructor might prepare a student to view a video. * Technical paratext: Instructors might include title, length, linked source, and a summary of other activities. * Video hooks: An anticipatory set--an advance organizer or hook that helps to get student attention, activate prior knowledge, and prepare them. * Video framing: Similar to video hook; advise students to watch for certain themes. * Clear expectations: Make sure that you set expectations for what students are expected to do during the viewing.
As I prepared to teach my first educational videography course earlier this year, I found that we lacked a common vocabulary for talking about how we design learning with video in mind. Since then, I’ve been advancing the term “video paratext” to reflect the myriad ways that we design educational guidance, prompts, activities or interactive elements to surround or be included within a video.I pulled the word “paratext” from the field of poetry translation because, personally, I love the “paratext” that precedes or follows a poem—or even interrupts it. At poetry readings in particular, I lean into the words that a poet shares before or after reading each poem. Paratext helps me connect with and make sense of the poem.
Video paratext as a term to categorize the many ways that we design activities related to educational video. As the author notes, paratext precedes, follows, and often interrupts a poem. The same could be true of video.
- Nov 2022
community.interledger.org community.interledger.org
🌟 Highlight words as they are spoken (karaoke anybody?). 🌟 Navigate video by clicking on words. 🌟 Share snippets of text (with video attached!). 🌟 Repurpose by remixing using the text as a base and reference.
If I understand it correctly, with hyperaudio, one can also create transcription to somebody else's video or audio when embedded.
In that case, if you add to hyperaudio the annotation capablity of hypothes.is or docdrop, the vision outlined in the article on Global Knowledge Graph is already a reality.
- language
- monetization
- commons
- speech2text
- graph
- roam
- web monetization
- lite
- wordpress
- interactive
- conference
- sharing
- global
- creative
- remixing
- hyperaudio
- navigation
- speech to text
- plugin
- speech
- knowledge
- ML
- docdrop
- repurposing
- mobile
- video
- open
- audio
- annotation
- open source
- simultaneous
- learning
- translation
- captions
- timing
- translate
- transcript
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- plug-in
- monetization
- model
- donation
- github
- web standards
- gumroad
- web monetization
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- sponsors
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- hugo
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- freemium
- Interledger Protocol
- tips
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- art
- wallet
- video
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- film
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- svelte
- payment pointer
- gftw
- pay-what-you-want
- subscriptions
- contribution
- micro-donation
- revenue sharing
- online ledger
- protocol
- premium
- browser
- gridsome
- extension
- mozilla festival
- pay what you want
- community
- w3c
- pricing strategies
- ko-fi
- ngx
- uphold
- stream
- gatehub
- gaming
- collective
- mozilla
- coil
- microdonation
- fans
- payment
- jekyll
- nonprofit
- tessy
- exclusive
- Interledger
- gratuity
- tools
- pwyw
- mozfest
- research
- vuepress
- open source
- gatsby
- open collective
- dev.to
- education
7nightstranslations.wordpress.com 7nightstranslations.wordpress.comMYTH1
Tanabe Meito is a psychology student in the “World of Light”, a completely ordered world were people don’t have a shadow. He’s not entirely satisfied, though; and when he meets a girl with a shadow called Shimon he ends going with her to the “World of Shadow”, a rural village where the people are shadows, and Shimon is the only one with both body and shadow. Right after that they meet two other persons with body and shadow: a girl with no memories, who they finally name Sou, and a woman also with no memories but who recalls being called Riri. Then they start living together in Shimon’s house, and have mostly slice-of-life happenings while they investigate a mysterious voice Meito heard just before going to the World of Shadow, and Meito gets used to the shadow people. And while that’s happening you have scenes of a boy who lives with his mother, who eats him, until he discover eating is love, eats her, and goes out into the outer world. Then things get real trippy, and nothing else makes any sense, until the very end, or ever.
"And while that's happening you have scenes of a boy who lives with his mother, who eats him, until he discovers eating is love, eats her, and goes out into the outer world. **Then things get real trippy, and nothing else makes any sense, until the very end, or ever."
This is as apt a description of MYTH as one could write.
www.reclipped.com www.reclipped.com
- [ ] Reminder to check out video annotations using Reclipped
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'> Jan Knorr</span> in "@reclipped seems to be the best video annotating tool at the moment. It reminds me of @hypothes_is a lot. @ChrisAldrich what do you think about it as a https://t.co/iEahoO0Cly power user? How do you annotate videos? https://t.co/DP7WFaDKd9" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>11/16/2022 13:46:27</time>)</cite></small>
docdrop.org docdrop.org
i think so like in social terms the conservatives would say well i like that it benefits from the wisdom of math already invented you're not 00:36:39 throwing anything away you're not you're not throwing it all away and starting over you're taking what we already have and you're you're using it that's great and a libertarian might say i really like that you're free to create as you see fit you can make anything you 00:36:52 want and you're working within this background framework that's minimally invasive it doesn't make a lot of rules for you but it is highly functional i like that it kind of keeps everyone in line while 00:37:03 like satisfying some formal contracts or something while still being uh i'm still free to create and a progressive might say i like about category that theory that everyone can contribute to 00:37:15 making their own world making it more rich adding new ideas uh making it more meaningful understanding connections between things a modern viewpoint would say i like that 00:37:26 it's completely rigorous that it's been used in proving well-known conjectures that people thought were important to prove but also that it's interesting it's useful in science and technology and a postmodern person might say i like 00:37:40 that um that no perspective is right that that there's just all sorts of different categories but that navigating between these perspectives lets you look at problems from all sides or a hippie might say i like that it's 00:37:53 all about relationship and connection or irrelevant i don't know what that means maybe a practical person might say that i like that it's that we can actually use it to organize and learn from big data in 00:38:06 today's world or to manage complexity of software projects that are that are very large and changing all the time i like that you can think about ai and other complex systems with this stuff i think it's relevant and 00:38:19 practical for right now so that's that's my uh tutorial or that's the the part i'm going to record and now i'm going to open it up for questions
David Spivak discusses how category theory may appeal to different political ideologies for a variety of reasons.
docs.joinpeertube.org docs.joinpeertube.org
- Oct 2022
sylvercard.itch.io sylvercard.itch.io
developer.vimeo.com developer.vimeo.com
www.programmableweb.com www.programmableweb.comVimeo1
docs.google.com docs.google.com
I am Joaquín/Yo Soy Joaquín: An Epic of the Mexican American People by Rodolfo Gonzales (1972)
Here is a dramatic reading of the whole poem, it is very compelling. https://youtu.be/qDsTELEAL3A
screencast-o-matic.com screencast-o-matic.com
Recommended by Greg McVerry
- Sep 2022
www.wrexhamafc.co.uk www.wrexhamafc.co.uk
mixedanalytics.com mixedanalytics.com
id | title <br /> ----|--------------------------- 1 | Film & Animation <br /> 2 | Autos & Vehicles <br /> 10 | Music <br /> 15 | Pets & Animals <br /> 17 | Sports <br /> 18 | Short Movies <br /> 19 | Travel & Events <br /> 20 | Gaming <br /> 21 | Videoblogging <br /> 22 | People & Blogs <br /> 23 | Comedy <br /> 24 | Entertainment <br /> 25 | News & Politics <br /> 26 | Howto & Style <br /> 27 | Education <br /> 28 | Science & Technology<br /> 29 | Nonprofits & Activism 30 | Movies <br /> 31 | Anime/Animation <br /> 32 | Action/Adventure <br /> 33 | Classics <br /> 34 | Comedy <br /> 35 | Documentary <br /> 36 | Drama <br /> 37 | Family <br /> 38 | Foreign <br /> 39 | Horror <br /> 40 | Sci-Fi/Fantasy <br /> 41 | Thriller <br /> 42 | Shorts <br /> 43 | Shows <br /> 44 | Trailers
gist.github.com gist.github.com
developers.google.com developers.google.com
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Vocabulary Acquisition through Viewing Captioned and Subtitled Video: A Scoping Review and Meta-Analysis
- Aug 2022
archive.org archive.org
The Tegos Tapes is an interesting example of an obscure and heretofore unreleased Vangelis soundtrack unknown by many of even his most devoted fans.The Tegos Tapes were produced originally by the Greek medical professional Dr. Stergios Tegos, and contain educational examples of his microneurosurgery work. This VHS set of tapes was not intended for general release to the Public as these training videos were mainly intended for student surgeons in training or offered to other microneurosurgeons via Dr. Tegos exclusively.Dr. Tegos asked his close friend Vangelis to create a background soundtrack to accompany these videos and Vangelis agreed, composing nearly 8 hours of some of his more pleasing and ambient music. Dr. Tegos thought that a background musical score composed and performed by Vangelis himself would ease the monotony and dryness of the subject matter and help the viewer to focus more effectively.
- Jul 2022
fileinfo.com fileinfo.com
If you do not have an iOS device or a machine running OS X to open your IMOVIEMOBILE file, you can still access its contents. First, copy the IMOVIEMOBILE file, rename the file extension to "zip", decompress the file, and the project content will be in a folder called "Assets." You can then open the original content in a video editing program.
It's not rational, but I'd like to note how angy I am with myself in retrospect for not looking this up before. I have literally given up on old project files because I assumed the video was unretrievable and then... I just did this on my iPad in a matter of seconds lol.
www.minecraft.net www.minecraft.net
While we are in the process of updating our Minecraft Usage Guidelines to offer more precise guidance on new technologies, we wanted to take the opportunity to share our view that integrations of NFTs with Minecraft are generally not something we will support or allow. Let’s have a closer look!
Above-the-fold statement on NFTs in Minecraft
flowimmersive.com flowimmersive.com
Suggested to me by Jerry Michalski as the tool he uses for picture-in-picture of his image while screensharing
- Jun 2022
www.euronews.com www.euronews.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Pénurie de conducteurs de transport scolaire (janvier 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZZYJ4gRm-U
- May 2022
blog.saeloun.com blog.saeloun.com
```js import { useState } from "react"; import "./styles.css";
const VIDEO_LINKS = [ "https://www.sample-videos.com/video123/mp4/240/big_buck_bunny_240p_2mb.mp4", "https://www.sample-videos.com/video123/mp4/480/big_buck_bunny_480p_2mb.mp4", "https://www.sample-videos.com/video123/mp4/720/big_buck_bunny_720p_20mb.mp4" ];
export default function App() { const [switchVideo, setSwitchVideo] = useState(0); const [videoWidth, setVideoWidth] = useState(null); const [videoHeight, setVideoHeight] = useState(null);
return ( <div className="App"> <video src={VIDEO_LINKS[switchVideo]} controls style= onResize={(e) => { setVideoWidth(e.target.videoWidth); setVideoHeight(e.target.videoHeight); }} /> <div className="resButton"> <button onClick={() => setSwitchVideo(0)}>240p</button> <button onClick={() => setSwitchVideo(1)}>480p</button> <button onClick={() => setSwitchVideo(2)}>720p</button> </div> </div> ); } ```
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Prise en main d'hypothesis
Vidéo de présentation Hypothesis
docdrop.org docdrop.org
L’enseignement explicite des comportements – Conférence de Steve Bissonnette à l’UMons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_2G8cjPJqA
github.com github.com
www.pathlms.com www.pathlms.com
- Apr 2022
www.tiktok.com www.tiktok.com
video.ibm.com video.ibm.com
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices- ACIP. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https://video.ibm.com/channel/VWBXKBR8af4
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Nisreen Alwan 🌻 [@Dr2NisreenAlwan]. (2021, November 4). Where is the money for ventilation in schools? Well said @GeorgeMonbiot https://t.co/DjG9Rntz0x [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/Dr2NisreenAlwan/status/1456174302001258497
twitter.com twitter.com
Eric Feigl-Ding [@DrEricDing]. (2021, November 12). 💡BEST. VIDEO. ALL. YEAR. Please share with friends how the mRNA vaccine works to fight the coronavirus. 📌NOTA BENE—The mRNA never interacts with your DNA 🧬. #vaccinate (Special thanks to the Vaccine Makers Project @vaccinemakers of @ChildrensPhila). #COVID19 https://t.co/CrSGGo6tqq [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1459284608122564610
twitter.com twitter.com
Opening of the WHO Global Evidence to Policy Summit with @DrTedros. #E2PSummit2021 / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1yoKMWdEMlDJQ
twitter.com twitter.com
SmartDevelopmentFund [@SmartDevFund]. (2021, November 2). A kit that enables users to disable misinformation: The #DigitalEnquirerKit empowers #journalists, civil society #activists and human rights defenders at the #COVID19 information front-line. Find out more: Http://sdf.d4dhub.eu #smartdevelopmentfund #innovation #Infopowered https://t.co/YZVooirtU9 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SmartDevFund/status/1455549507949801472
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Petrie-Flom Center. (2021, December 6). COVID-19, Science, and the Media: Lessons Learned Reporting on the Pandemic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZVVVLi4dBc
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
SFdS Biopharmacie et Santé. (2021, December 9). WEBINAR Design and analysis of COVID vaccine trials: The familiar and the strange. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6ABvE_ACs
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
indie_SAGE. (2021, November 26). Indie_SAGE 26.11.21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2qSZksPdeM
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2022, January 8). RT @thehowie: Deaths by Grizzly bears each year: ~1.6 Deaths from COVID each year: ~400K. Adjust for age, all you want, his fear of Grizz… [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1479832293489397767
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Unite against COVID-19. (2021, May 2). Ka kite, COVID. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcIQATtAkS0
twitter.com twitter.com
Florian Krammer [@florian_krammer]. (2021, November 27). Das hat mich jetzt grad zum Weinen gebracht. Es tut mir so leid. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/florian_krammer/status/1464607322303614984
www.independentsage.org www.independentsage.org
- Mar 2022
javascript.plainenglish.io javascript.plainenglish.io
www.forumeuropeendebioethique.eu www.forumeuropeendebioethique.eu
FAIRE FACE AUX HARCÈLEMENTS L’enfant est une proie facile mais il peut aussi devenir un prédateur pour les siens. Longtemps passé sous silence, certainement amplifié par la violence de la société et par les nouveaux moyens de communication qu’elle met à la disposition des plus jeunes, le harcèlement sort de l’ombre. - Comment protéger nos enfants, à la fois du danger d’être harcelé mais aussi de celui d’être harceleur ? - Jusqu’à quel point faut-il protéger l’enfant de la violence du monde qui l’entoure ? - Quels sont les moyens de s’en sortir ?
www.forumeuropeendebioethique.eu www.forumeuropeendebioethique.eu
LA SEXUALITÉ DE NOS ENFANTS La sexualité, en particulier celle de nos enfants, reste un tabou difficile à surmonter. Entre pudeur et embarras, entre trop de silence et respect de l’intimité, il est parfois difficile de briser la glace entre les générations et de déterminer la juste distance qu’il faudrait adopter. Pourtant le rapport des enfants à la sexualité semble changer rapidement. L’accès à la pornographie, la modification des habitudes et des pratiques, l’évolution des mœurs et l’omniprésence des réseaux sociaux bouleversent les codes.
www.forumeuropeendebioethique.eu www.forumeuropeendebioethique.eu
A number ofstudies have demonstrated that instructional videos that include gesture producesignificantly more learning for the people who watch them: viewers direct theirgaze more efficiently, pay more attention to essential information, and morereadily transfer what they have learned to new situations. Videos that incorporategesture seem to be especially helpful for those who begin with relatively littleknowledge of the concept being covered; for all learners, the beneficial effect ofgesture appears to be even stronger for video instruction than for live, in-personinstruction.
Gestures can help viewers direct their attention to the most salient and important points in a conversation or a lecture. As a result, learning has been show to be improved in watching lectures with gestures.
Learning using gestures has been shown to be stronger in video presentations over in-person instruction.
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Get the best classical video song
The explanation of Best classical video song in old India is found in the Vedic piece of Hinduism. As these fields were made, sangeeta changed into an obvious sort of workmanship, in an arrangement indistinguishable from contemporary music. The charming piece of the Best classical video song is alloted "sahityam" and sahityam is truly similar to singing the swaras by a wide margin in any case utilizing the bits of the tune. The songs of Samaveda contain melodic substance, progression, beat and metric affiliation. This arrangement is, regardless, not stick out or bound to Samaveda. Best classical video song is the classical music of the Indian subcontinent. It has two huge practices: the North Indian classical music custom is called Hindustani, while the South Indian verbalization is called Carnatic. These practices were not certain until about the fifteenth century. Best classical video song underlines spur of the moment creation and evaluation of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic presentations will generally speaking be short affiliation based. In any case, the two designs keep on having more standard elements than contrasts.
The crucial establishments of the Best classical video song of India are found in the Vedic piece of Hinduism and the old Natyashastra, the model Sanskrit text on execution clarifications by Bharata Muni. The thirteenth period Sanskritic language text Sangita-Ratnakara of Sarangadeva is seen as the persuading substance by both the Hindustani music and the Carnatic music customs.
Best classical video song has two focal parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a moved game plan of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outside of a basically unusual melodic course of action, while the tala surveys the time cycle. The raga gives a specialist a compass to encourage the song from sounds, while the tala outfits them with an innovative framework for cadenced unconstrained creation using time. In Best classical video song music, the space between the notes is continually more fundamental than the genuine notes, and it everything considered avoids Western classical contemplations like concordance, inconsistency, harmonies, or change.
Where to find classical music video song
Classical music video song is the classical music of the Indian subcontinent. It has two gigantic practices: the North Indian classical music custom is called Hindustani, while the South Indian articulation is called Carnatic. Classical music video song underlines spur of the moment creation and assessment of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic showcases will generally speaking be short affiliation based. Notwithstanding, the two frameworks keep having more common provisions than contrasts. The essential foundations of the Classical music video song of India are found in the Vedic arrangement of Hinduism and the obsolete Natyashastra, the model Sanskrit message on execution enunciations by Bharata Muni. The thirteenth period Sanskritic language text Sangita-Ratnakara of Sarangadeva is viewed as the indisputable substance by both the Hindustani music and the Carnatic music customs.
Classical music video song has two central parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a changed collection of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outer layer of a fundamentally intricate melodic arrangement, while the tala assesses the time cycle. The raga gives an expert a compass to foster the song from sounds, while the tala outfits them with an inventive system for cadenced unconstrained creation utilizing time. In Classical music video song music, the space between the notes is routinely more basic than the authentic notes, and it overall dodges Western classical contemplations like concordance, irregularity, harmonies, or change.
The reason of Classical music video song in old India are found in the Vedic arrangement of Hinduism. The earliest Indian idea joined three explanations, syllabic show (vadya), melos (gita) and dance (nrtta). As these fields were made, sangeeta changed into an unquestionable kind of workmanship, in a plan indistinct from contemporary music.
The wonderful piece of the Classical music video song is relegated "sahityam" and sahityam is truly similar to singing the swaras by a wide margin at any rate utilizing the areas of the tune. The songs of Samaveda contain melodic substance, development, beat and metric association. This arrangement is, regardless, not stick out or restricted to Samaveda.
Get the New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video
New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video are the conventional music of the Indian subcontinent. It has two huge practices: the North Indian conventional music service is called Hindustani, while the South Indian enunciation is called Carnatic. These practices were not explicit until about the fifteenth century. During the hour of Mughal rule of the Indian subcontinent, the practices separated and advanced into explicit plans. Hindustani music underlines extemporization and assessment of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic showcases will generally be short arrangement based. Notwithstanding, New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video and two frameworks keep having more regular components than contrasts. The foundations of sufiscore New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video of India are found in the Vedic structure of Hinduism and the old Natyashastra, the praiseworthy Sanskrit text on execution explanations by Bharata Muni. The thirteenth century Sanskrit expressing Sangita-Ratnakara of Sarangadeva is viewed as constantly satisfied by both the Hindustani music and the Carnatic music customs. New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video has two crucial parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a changed arrangement of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outer layer of an altogether shocking melodic arrangement, while the tala evaluates the time cycle. The raga gives an expert a scope to foster the song from sounds, while the tala gives them an inventive system for musical extemporization utilizing time. In sufiscore New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video the space between the notes is as a rule more basic than the genuine notes, and it generally ignores Western old style contemplations like congruity, separation, harmonies, or change. New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video are a sort of South Asian music, the other being film, different groupings of pop, provincial society, extreme and conscious music. In New Latest Romantic Hindi song music video, the raga and the tala are two fundamental parts. The raga structures the outer layer of a melodic turn of events, and the tala keeps the time cycle. Both raga and tala are open structures for creativity and permit an incredibly massive number of potential outcomes, regardless, the preparation of a couple hundred ragas and talas as crucial. Raga is really identified with tala or bearing about "division of time", with every unit called a matra (beat, and term between beats).
Find new melodious Hindi song music video
New Melodious Hindi song music video joins standard Melodious music and the contemporary sort that was created from it during the 20th century Melodious reclamation. Standard Melodious music has been described severally: as music sent orally, music with dark arrangers, music that is played on customary instruments, music about friendly or public character, music that changes between ages (Melodious measure), New Melodious Hindi song music video related with a gathering's Melodious Lore or music performed by custom all through a huge time frame.
Starting during the 20th century, a new kind of standard Melodious music created from standard New Melodious Hindi song music video. This cooperation and period is known as the (second) Melodious recuperation and showed up at a top during the 1960s. This sort of music is on occasion called contemporary Melodious music or Melodious recuperation music to remember it from earlier Melodious constructions. More unobtrusive, near recuperations have happened elsewhere in the world at various events, but the term Melodious music has regularly not been applied to the new music made during those reclamations. This sort of Melodious music moreover joins blend classes, for instance, Melodious stone, Melodious metal, and others. While contemporary Melodious music is a class ordinarily obvious from standard Melodious music, in U.S. English it has a comparable name, and it as often as possible offers comparative performers and scenes as customary New Melodious Hindi song music video.
The terms New Melodious Hindi song music video, Melodious song, and Melodious dance are almost continuous enunciations. They are increases of the term Melodious Lore, which was founded in various years earlier by the English classicist William Thoms to depict "the practices, customs, and odd thoughts of the rough classes". The term further gets from the German explanation volk, in the sensation of "people generally" as applied to standard and public music by Johann Gottfried Herder and the German Romantics over numerous years sooner. Anyway it is seen that Melodious music is the music of people, onlookers find a more precise definition to be unpretentious. Some differ that the term New Melodious Hindi song music video should be used. Melodious music may overall have specific characteristics yet it can't clearly be isolated in basically musical terms. One significance oftentimes given is that of "old songs, with no known arrangers," another is that of music that has been submitted to a formative pattern of oral transmission.... the planning and once again framing of the New Melodious Hindi song music video by the neighborhood gives it its Melodious person."
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www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
John Mearsheimer on Realism and the Rise of China
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Twitch, the popular site where people go to watch other people play video games
That's an oversimplification -- even video game streamers spend a lot of time just talking to their audience or watching videos.
Twitch provides on-demand, human connection (like radio or TV before it).
- Feb 2022
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
With Stadia's consumer model going down the drain, Google announced it would pivot Stadia to become a behind-the-scenes, white-label data center service that the company will reportedly re-brand as "Google Stream."
I think that makes a lot of sense. Google doesn't want to do the "platform building" Microsoft and Sony excel at, and it doesn't have to.
Imagine playing or trying out video games simply on the developers website.
Dr. Peter Hotez: Omicron is like a fast-moving freight train. (n.d.). MSN. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/dr-peter-hotez-omicron-is-like-a-fast-moving-freight-train/vi-AARPfVG
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
sino que deja al lector la capacidad de elegir su camino entre varios posibles. En ocasiones no tiene ni siquiera un principio establecido. Casi nunca tiene final. Las versiones más extremas permiten al lector modificar la obra, o bien directamente, o bien colaborando con el autor original.
también encontramos estas propuestas hipertextuales en los juegos de video RPG desde los inicios de los 80s, antes de la era de la internet.
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Comprendre la santé mentale et ce qui l'influence, grâce au Cosmos mental®, un kit pédagogique Psycom. Ce kit comprend le clip Cosmos mental® et un mode d'emploi pour l'utiliser en contexte d'animation.
- Jan 2022
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How to perform a t-test using Google sheets
This is good for reminding me on how to ttest.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @PassivhausPlus: @NHeadteacher @SuziePeat https://t.co/pNsLTRvfSD More than 300 such systems now installed in German schools...if you fi…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 14 January 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1449880306299785219
- Dec 2021
www.kapwing.com www.kapwing.com
Set up using my gmail account.
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
The Lady
A video analyzing John William Waterhouse's 1888 painting, The Lady of Shalott, giving historical background of the painting and how its influenced by Tennyson's poem. Video
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
- Nov 2021
"La gestion efficace des comportements" conférence par Steve Bissonnette
archive.org archive.org
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, October 30). as the fallout from the JCVI minutes build, it’s worth considering that the corresponding U.S. body ACIP has been live streaming its meetings on YouTube... Transparency helps reduce faulty reasoning...we should have learned that lesson with the very first lockdown, no? [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1454502337368764421
- Oct 2021
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indie_SAGE. (2021, October 29). Indie_SAGE 29.10.21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vGdRA_7hu8
Vaccine rap battle full of misinformation. (15:07:48.208508+00:00). Full Fact. https://fullfact.org/health/covid-vaccine-rap-battle/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.blackmagicdesign.com www.blackmagicdesign.com
It looks like they make their business model is based predominantly on hardware over software.
Covid: Royal Bolton Hospital taking “urgent action” over virus. (2021, May 25). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-57242368
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Stephen Senn. (n.d.). Being wrong about randomisation v2. Retrieved July 5, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwVZMwb-wjc
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A magnet won’t stick to a glass vaccine vial. (2021, June 7). Full Fact. https://fullfact.org/online/covid-vaccine-vial-magnetic/
publichealthcollaborative.org publichealthcollaborative.org
Misinformation Alerts - Public Health Communications Collaborative. (n.d.). Public Health Communication Collaborative. Retrieved September 24, 2021, from https://publichealthcollaborative.org/misinformation-alerts/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
NATO StratCom COE. (2021, January 27). #StratComTalks Vaccines and Disinformation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcHWs0YeXqA
- Sep 2021
es importante tener en cuentacon el fin de alcanzar una colaboración efectiva es elde definir los roles
En este video me pareció interesante la explicación de roles, si bien no esta dado exclusivamente para trabajos escolares donde involucran al profesor y al alumno, considero que al integrar un equipo siempre están presentes.
Hoy en día están en boga términos como aprendiza-je colaborativo y aprendizaje cooperativo. Estos dos pro-cesos de aprendizaje se diferencian principalmente enque en el primero los alumnos son quienes diseñan suestructura de interacciones y mantienen el control sobrelas diferentes decisiones que repercuten en su aprendi-zaje, mientras que en el segundo, es el profesor quiendiseña y mantiene casi por completo el control de laestructura de interacciones y de los resultados que se hande obtener [Pani97]. En el aprendizaje cooperativo se da,esencialmente, una división de tareas; en el aprendizajecolaborativo se necesita estructurar interdependenciaspositivas para lograr una cohesión grupal
Se resalta la diferencia entre estos dos conceptos
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
GOP members go “doctor shopping” for Covid-19 deniers. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2021, from https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/09/22/gop-officials-doctor-shopping-reality-check-avlon-newday-vpx.cnn
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- belief
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- anti-vaccine
- Grand Old Party
- is:news
- video
- Republican
- misinformation
www.acriticalhit.com www.acriticalhit.com
Long before Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego or The Oregon Trail, there was The Sumerian Game.
twitter.com twitter.com
Telstra on Twitter: “I’m fully aware this won’t stop ‘the vaxx gave me 5G’ jokes. But #LetsVaxx anyway. Https://t.co/IwM7AwrpJ6” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2021, from https://twitter.com/Telstra/status/1433191938497282051
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Marley, J., Blanche, M., Bulut, A., Bamber, L., McVay, S., Adeyanju, A., & Worsfold, S. (2021). The Digital Resilience Network [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/m8dbc
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
As a virologist I’m shocked my work has been hijacked by anti-vaxxers | David LV Bauer | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/07/virologist-work-anti-vaxxers-covid
- Aug 2021
Speculation on plant life in the future. Interesting presentation
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
twitter.com twitter.com
Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA on Twitter: “1/ PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING clips from a town hall with Arkansas @AsaHutchinson. Q: What’s in the vaccine? A: Here are full ingredient lists: Pfizer: Https://t.co/ZgpaqcIlzg Moderna: Https://t.co/j5uf4uErLB J&J: https://t.co/qsjEO8s4gg https://t.co/OR9sSANR7x” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2021, from https://twitter.com/celinegounder/status/1423002451460907009
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
(7) BUSPH COVID Corps—YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved 4 August 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VJ9KJ-9aLzZs4CeUahZ8g
twitter.com twitter.com
Justin Baragona on Twitter: “There seems to be a concerted effort today by Fox’s daytime news shows to promote the vaccines to its audience. Dr. Marc Siegel says ‘the Delta variant needs to be a wake-up call to get vaccinated.’ Anchor John Roberts then directs viewers to the government vaccine website. Https://t.co/T5b21nXCfe” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved August 4, 2021, from https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1417178420950220811
twitter.com twitter.com
Led By Donkeys. (2021, July 19). The restrictions may be going, but the UK’s Covid disaster will not be forgotten. (Sound on) https://t.co/gqbJslVcPF [Tweet]. @ByDonkeys. https://twitter.com/ByDonkeys/status/1417157338725818373
- Jul 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Another copy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYT2se94eU0
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Another copy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKg1hTOQXoY