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Though important, social distancing could be reduced to one metre instead of 2m
Take away: As with most things in nature, there are always exceptions – transmission occurring at greater distances than 3 ft and evidence of aerosolization have been reported.
Discussion: In scientific terms, this virus is still very new so the data supporting an optimal physical distance to prevent transmission remains scarce. In the absence of data, public health agencies have used what they understand about this virus and similar viruses to infer a “best” answer. Public health agencies try to simplify the recommendation to a single answer, but the reality is much more complex.
According to reports the WHO bases their recommendation for 1 meter (~3 ft) distancing off of an understanding that SARS-CoV-2 behaves like similar respiratory viruses that are primarily transmitted via larger droplets (as opposed to smaller aerosols). Assuming most spread is via droplets, the WHO reportedly follows the results of a 1934 study indicating most respiratory droplets fall to the ground within 3 feet.
However, as with most things in nature, there are always exceptions – transmission occurring at greater distances than 3 ft and evidence of aerosolization have been reported.
The evidence basis for the CDCs guidance for 6 feet of separation is less clear, but probably reflects lower risk tolerance, or greater weight to evidence of aerosolization or wider droplet spread.
Even with further study, there may never be a clear answer for optimal physical distancing. This is because, (1) the area of high risk for transmission is probably dependent on the specific conditions of the interaction (e.g. loud talking, windy environment), and (2) the “optimal” distance is based on risk tolerance. There is no single distance between individuals where risk of transmission drops off precipitously to zero.
All evidence indicates that greater distances are safer but, for example, consider how restrictive a physical distancing recommendation of >50 ft would be. In the end, because we can’t control how far others stand away from us, we ask governments to consider these tradeoffs and deliver a “best” answer to guide their citizenry.
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@who published a massive review/meta-analysis of interventions for flu epidemics in 2019, found "moderate" evidence AGAINST using masks.
Take away: In their 2019 report the WHO actually recommended for, not against, the use of masks in severe influenza epidemics or pandemics, contrasting the statement made in this tweet. Further, recent evidence overwhelmingly supports the benefit of masks for preventing the spread of SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
The claim: Overall the claim here appears to be that masks are ineffective against the spread of SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes the clinical syndrome known as COVID-19. The evidence used in support of this claim is that “the WHO found ‘moderate’ evidence AGAINST using masks” in their 2019 report on the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions for mitigating influenza pandemics.
The evidence: This overall claim is poorly supported by data and the evidence used to support this claim is incorrectly characterized by the claimant. Narrowly, the claim that the WHO recommended against mask use is patently false. In their report, the WHO reviewed 10 separate studies and did conclude that there was scant evidence that masks significantly decreased spread of the flu. However, they found no evidence that masks increased spread, and based on mechanistic plausibility (i.e. masks are barriers that prevent droplets from passing between people) and the low risk/high reward, they made a conditional recommendation for mask use in severe influenza epidemics or pandemics.
While influenza does not behave exactly like the SARS-CoV2 virus, the similarities in mode of transmission make it reasonably likely that masks would also have protective effects against the spread of this virus is well. The best evidence is hard data, and that too increasingly points to the benefit of masks for slowing down or preventing the transmission of SARS-CoV2. A recent summary of that data is available here.
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- transport
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- telecommuting
- health care
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Obiecujący, zwłaszcza w kontekście młodszych pokoleń, wydaje się też właśnie wkraczający do Polski coliving, czyli formuła mieszkania polegająca na dzieleniu się z innymi wszystkim tym, czym podzielić się da. Współlokatorzy mają własne sypialnie z łazienkami, korzystają jednak z przestronnych i funkcjonalnie zaaranżowanych części wspólnych. Zyskują dzięki temu przestrzeń, która umożliwia im integrację i spędzanie wolnego czasu choćby na oglądaniu filmów czy grze w planszówki.
Coliving as a solution to staying alone
Do jeszcze bardziej przytłaczających wniosków doszła Julianne Holt-Lunstad, która, posiłkując się wynikami 70 badań naukowych, ogłosiła, że samotność zwiększa śmiertelność w takim samym stopniu co otyłość czy wypalanie 15 papierosów dziennie. Z kolei Nicole Valtorty z Uniwersytetu Newcastle ustaliła, że prawdopodobieństwo ataku serca u osób osamotnionych rośnie o 29 proc., a zagrożenie udarem – o 32 proc. „To niezależny czynnik przyczyniający się do śmierci. Może cię po prostu zabić. Znajduje się na tej samej liście co choroby serca i rak – twierdzi dr Josh Klapow, psycholog kliniczny z Uniwersytetu Alabamy.
Data on health consequences of being alone
powszechna plaga nie oszczędza młodych. Poczucie izolacji wpływa u nich na sen, zwiększa poziom stresu, powoduje spadek odporności, redukuje funkcje poznawcze, wywołując objawy podobne do otępienia oraz zwiększa ryzyko depresji.
Health consequences of being alone as a young person
Naukowcy odkryli, że samotność ma na nas wyniszczający wpływ, i to już na poziomie komórkowym. Profesor Steve Cole, dyrektor laboratorium UCLA Social Genomics Core dowiódł nawet, że z powodu izolacji społecznej w ludzkim organizmie dochodzi do tworzenia się przewlekłego, niedającego jawnych objawów stanu zapalnego.
Health consequences of being alone
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Collective Trauma and Stress Following Disasters: APS Journal Articles Publicly Available
- impact
- research
- is:webpage
- article
- information sharing
- stress
- understanding
- publication
- trauma
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- mental health
- resource sharing
- disaster
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COVID-19 Social Science Tracker - Google Sheets
- data collection
- research
- misinformation
- tracker
- healthcare
- international
- medicine
- behavior
- social norm
- uncertainty
- sheets
- publication
- isolation
- social media
- community
- spreadsheet
- COVID-19
- infection
- preprint
- lang:en
- mental health
- social science
- social distancing
- conspiracy theory
- policy
- government
- unofficial
- is:other
- analysis
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- rapid serology tests
- international solidarity
- serology testing
- viral infectivity
- surveillance
- is:report
- symptomatic patients
- community
- immune response
- COVID-19
- control programmes
- global cooperation
- lang:en
- rapid immunodiagnostic tests
- situational analysis
- molecular diagnostics
- commercially available
- public health
- serology
- host response
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- contagion
- questionnaire
- fearful
- evaluate
- daily behaviour
- depression
- reliability
- measures
- psychology
- mental health
- state anxiety
- handwashing
- validity
- social distancing
- avoidance
- fear
- general trait anxiety
- Avoidance of Respiratory Viral Infection Scale
- psychometric properties
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