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- mental health
- violating rules
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- San Francisco
- UK
- lockdown
- quarentine
- influenza
- COVID-19
- history
- learning
- Alberta
- shutdown
- Spanish Flu
- New South Wales
- lesson
- face mask
- protest
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- lang:en
- disobedience
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- COVID-19
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- modeling
- policy
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- epidemiology
- mathematics
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- black people
- health equity
- COVID-19
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- telehealth
- access to care
- inadequately prepared
- healthcare
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- demographics
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- death rate
- rural health
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- health effect
- food
- funding
- government
- adaptation
- children
- psychological distress
- National School Lunch Program
- School Breakfast Program
- food insecurity
- social distancing
- financial assistance
- COVID-19
- federal nutrition
- access
- federal aid
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- low-income
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- risk of infection
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- bipolar disorder
- COVID-19
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- treatment
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- comorbidity
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- resilience
- vulnerable groups
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- mental health
- medical service
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Since people over 65 account for about 80% of Covid-19 deaths, Sweden asked only seniors to shelter in place rather than shutting down the rest of the country; and since Sweden had no pediatric deaths, it didn’t shut down elementary and middle schools…
As time passes, I do think there is a place for more targeted interventions such as these as we ease restrictions.
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Evidence Tracker: COVID-19